Help :Printout in Visual basic

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Chillum Baba
my friend is developing a software in VB.

he is interested in a printout which should be customizable with respect to fonts,ssize and colour in print preview.... how to proceed as in VB usually theres only one default size, font we have to select.... is this possible? if yes,, how?


ps- i m attaching the screenshot of that software and print preview page.



There is an object called printer. Go to coding area and type printer. and you will see the available options like copies, font, fontbold, fontitalic, fontsize, fontname, forecolor, etc. Set these to get the required effect.

Or have I misunderstood your question?

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Chillum Baba
thanx tuxfen..i will tell my friend what all u suggested..i will also tell him about the use of object u mentioned ;)

thanks again


You are welcome :)

Here's my 2 bits. VB is not so naive. There are more than one way of doing the same thing. What you do is have predefined settings with each variable declared as Printer.

For example you can have something like this in a calendar printing software.
Dim DeskCal as Printer, PocketCal as Printer

Now setup properties of DeskCal with some default best suited for printing desktop calendar and so on for PocketCal. Hope this is useful :)
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