Help debugging my first GM script


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I'm really new to programming and created a small Greasemonkey script for disabling the theater view for viewing photos in Facebook. But its not working.
The basic principle I applied was to remove the '&theater' parameter at the end of every photo URL. Hope this gets fixed soon.
Here's the code -

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Kill The Theater
// @namespace      *
// @description    Disable theater view in Facebook
// @include        ***
// @include        ***
// @exclude        *
// @version        0.2b 

// ==/UserScript==

var url=window.location.href;
var condition=url.match("&theater");
if (condition=="&theater")          
      url=url.replace("&theater", "");

I tested it by embedding it in a standard HTML file and running it locally. But it doesn't work for facebook. I think there's some issue with XPCNativeWrapper.

Thanks in advance.
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