Hello world 
Posting from a freshly installed copy of Win Server 2003 on my new rig
After nearly 3 days of struggling to install some other Win OS I I finally went back to installing 2003 Web Ed
Even after deciding to install this I was unable to boot into the OS w/o the flash drive being plugged in.
Turns out that keeping 2 primary partitions was causing the problem. Repartitioned the HDD to keep only 1 primary partition while the others are now local drives in the extended partitions
Googling a bit found it is possible to have multiple primary partitions - just hide the partition and show only 1 primary partition when installing a OS 1 at a time
Finally managed a successful install in the morning. In the process of transferring almost 370 GB on to the new HDD - pain
Sorry m8. Can't upload the pics. Can not transfer the pics from my 6300 on to the comp as Nokia PC suite does not get installed on 2003 #fail
Though if you
help me select a XP-installed Netbook, I might be able to upload them
Anyway will be installing a 64-bit Win OS in a week or so. Hopefully PC suite gets installed on it - will upload them then
Here are screeenies of CPU-Z
*img138.imageshack.us/img138/2874/rigspec006.th.jpg *img189.imageshack.us/img189/6010/rigspec001.th.jpg *img708.imageshack.us/img708/8320/rigspec002.th.jpg *img85.imageshack.us/img85/2577/rigspec003.th.jpg *img189.imageshack.us/img189/8108/rigspec004.th.jpg *img708.imageshack.us/img708/3097/rigspec005.th.jpg
In the 1st screenie, max memory bandwidth is being shown as
667 MHz No mention of the 1333 MHz frequency Something amiss??