Hard Drive weight increasing when programs are installed

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Tribal Boy
Source - Forwarded email !

LOL poor guy, I know it may not be a nice thing to laugh reading it, but couldn't control :D

Have a look

Hard Drive weight increasing?



Bond, Desi Bond!
ROFLMAO. This one's awesome:

Every Gigabyte counts as 5oz of extra weight for your computer.There has been cases (in computers with 1Tb of Hard drive and more) of people left eMule activated 3 days and when that people returned to the computer,there was a hole in the floor instead.

Maybe you should try a compression software (like 7zip for example) which help reducing the data's weight.

Take care of those P2P software that quickly increase your data.Watch out and be careful.

Use MS-DOS to drastically reduce data weight.

Greetings from Spain!


Cyborg Agent
The guy was just having fun. No sane person would think he can feel that kind of weight increase. He should be commended for coming up with such a funny post.


Evolving Rapidly...
one more competitor here for mclovin:
After spraying some fine mist in the case of just pure clean water, a short while after, the computer just stopped working!

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