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Šupər♂ - 超人
A promising Google competitor... That's what Hakia is seen as. The first meaning-based search engine; Hakia, which is a "meaning-based" search engine startup getting a bit of buzz. A venture-backed, multi-national team company headquartered in New York, it was launched its beta in early November last month, but already ranks around 33K on Alexa - which is impressive. A metadata SE.. a natural language search engine (an NLP)... other titles given to this SE.

The user interface is similar to Google, but the engine prompts you to enter not just keywords - but a question, a phrase, or a sentence.

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Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
^^I dont think so...
It will take a good search engine(if there exits any) another 2 years atleast to overtake google and be termed as better...


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
very long time ago i posted a thread with link to a search portal like this

all these search portals come and is here to will need a paradigm to replace google i guess

anyways hakia is good...i mean the search results were too many as compared to google....i tried with my own name ;)


Šupər♂ - 超人
Well.. KoolBluez gave me some pretty good results.. @least the 1st 2 r me only :D
It also made me realize that someone actually digged(well actually it's TalkDigged) my site :D
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