graphics card help

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Right off the assembly line
my problem: i have pci express slot dont kno what it is
so its really difficult to decide for which graphics card to choose.
plus cant find a site with direct comparisons of card along withe game experience.
plzzz help.

my hardware config. :

intell 101 ggc mother board
1.5 gb ram ddr1
p4 pcoressor 2.80 ghz

my graphics requirement :
not a hardcore gamer,
although i would like to play crysis,grid(needs 9 series and direct x 10 ),g.o.w.,far cry 2
and run windows vista

my on board card does let me play games e.g. half life 2 episode 2 at resolution 800 x 600
no antialising ,no vertical sync.,or any thing that ll make it look good

my budjet :
I have rs 5000 which I can extend up to rs 6000

THANK U for taking the time to read .

plzz help me out.

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
I suggest you save some more money to get a decent config. DDR1 333/400mhz wont make the cut and same goes for those ridiculously hot prescott processors.


Right off the assembly line
is nvidia 9600gt same as palit 9600gt ???
and if i change my mother board later
the only thing i have to make sure will be the next mobo will have pci exprees slot right???
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