Get Flash Drive Reminder When Shutting Down Computer
It has happened a lot of times when I had left my pen drive plugged into computer in computer labs and cyber cafe. Then I had to rush again to get it back. So, here is a solution to it. Today, I came across a software called Flash Drive Reminder that adds an entry to the AutoPlay dialog that pops up when you insert a flash drive into a computer.
Have a look :
This program in 2 versions :
Standard Version
The Standard version pops up a small window when Reminder starts. This window serves as a reminder that the flash drive is still in the computer. The Standard version also includes the following options:
* Start minimized - minimize the reminder window to the Taskbar
* Open an Explorer window on startup - display flash drive’s files on when Reminder starts
Quiet version
The Quiet version has no options and does not pop up a window when you insert your flash drive. All it does is pop up a reminder to remove the drive when you log off or shut down the computer.
Download Instructions : [URL="*"]Click here[/URL]