gaming rig within 30k without monitor


Right off the assembly line
1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et cetera.')
Ans: i want to play games such as crysis 2, battlefield 3, skyrim at their high or ultra settings at max 1600*1200 resolution.

2. What is your overall budget? If you can extend a bit for a more balanced configuration, then mention this too.
Ans: my budget is just 30k, can't extend it.

3. Planning to overclock?
Ans: no

4. Which Operating System are you planning to use?
Ans: windows 7

5. How much hard drive space is needed?
Ans: min- 320gb, max- 500gb

6. Do you want to buy a monitor? If yes, please mention which screen size and resolution do you want. If you already have a monitor and want to reuse it, again mention the size and resolution of monitor you have.
Ans: i don't want to buy a monitor. I already have one with supports 1080p.

7. Which components you DON'T want to buy or which components you already have and plan on reusing?
Ans: i dont want monitor, speakers, keyboard and mouse.

8. When are you planning to buy the system?
Ans: within 2-3 months.

9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
Ans: it will be done by an assembler.

10. Where do you live? Are you buying locally? Are you open to buying stuff from online shops if you don't get locally?
Ans: i live near delhi. i can buy stuff from nehru place. i can't buy online because my dad wont allow me to do so.

11. Anything else which you would like to say?
Ans: i guess no.


SoLa BeLLaToR...
Component Make Price
CPU Intel Core i3-2120 6790
Motherboard ASUS P8H61-M LX 3030
GPU MSI Radeon HD6850 8850
RAM G.Skill Value DDR3 4GB 1150
HDD WD Caviar Blue 500 GB 4270
Optical Drive Asus DRW-24B3ST 1110
Case CM Elite 310 1650
PSU Corsair CX430 V2 2500
UPS Intex 1KVA 2600
Total 31950


Right off the assembly line
thanks for the quick reply RIGOD... actually my budget is raised to 35k now. so if there is any possible upgrade in the config now please mention it too and i wanna know whether 430w psu will easily suffice for the gpu?
Mobo-asus p8h61. .@3.3k
cpu-intel i3 2100 @6.5k
ram-corsair value 4gb..@1.1k
gpu-msi 6850. . @8.7k
hdd-wd 500gb. . .around 4.2k
psu-corsair vs450. . ,2.2k
Case-cm elite 310 @1.7k
od-lg @1k
ups-any standard 1 @1.5k

total . .around 31.5k. .

if u can increase ur budget,go for i5 2400 @11k instead of i3. . .
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Wise Old Owl
In his case , There is no need to spend 16K for I5 and MOBO .
AMD Phenom 2 X4 970 BE @ 7.5K
ASUS M5A88-M @ 5K
WD 500GB HDD @ 4K
FSP BLUE 500W @ 3.5K
PALIT GTX 560 @ 10.2K
UPS 600VA @ 1.3K
TOTAL @ 35.5K
INTEL Core I3 2120 @ 6.7K
ASUS P8H61 PLUS2 @ 3.3K
PALIT 560 TI 1 GB @ 12.5K
AMD FX4100 6100
ASUS M5A88-M 5120
Corsair Vengeance DDR3 4GB 1250
AMD Radeon HD6850 8400
WD Caviar Blue 500 GB 4300
CM Elite 310 1740
Corsair CX430 V2 2500
<local DVD-RW> 1000 - 1250

Total 30535

or you can replace the FX4100 with a Phenom II 960T, adding 700/- if looking to overclock


Cyborg Agent
^^No to fx4100 especially for gaming.
Investing in fx4100 is simply not justified when much better processors are available at that price range.
Well, he said no overclocking, and Phenom processors are at par performance with them while in base configuration, at least that is what I believe. Haven't had much experience with them tbh.


Cyborg Agent
buddy if you think that fx4100 cant be overclocked then you are wrong.
But fx4100 performs poorly.Check some reviews.It cant even compete with its phenom predecessors and gaming performance is even worse.It simply is not an option when better processors like i3 2100 and phenom 960t are available at that price range.

originally posted by maddy
if you able to add i5 2320 or i5 2500 in build it will be more better
lol no, I didn't mean you to take it in that way, I said Phenom processors are better at overclocked speeds, and especially when the extra cores are enabled.
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