Right off the assembly line
1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et cetera.')
Ans:Games like Farcry 3, Black Ops II,Crysis3,BF3,dirt3,gta4,sleeping dogs,future i do some work on some designing i have a habit of keeping two or three games in the background plus listening to music...doing work using softwares...surfing.etc all at the same time...
2. What is your overall budget? If you can extend a bit for a more balanced configuration, then mention this too.
Ans:Max 60K...
3. Planning to overclock?
Ans:yes,will buy the h100 then
4. Which Operating System are you planning to use?
Ans:Windows 7
5. How much hard drive space is needed?
Ans:none required
6. Do you want to buy a monitor? If yes, please mention which screen size and resolution do you want. If you already have a monitor and want to reuse it, again mention the size and resolution of monitor you have.
Ans:Yes, 22
7. Which components you DON'T want to buy or which components you already have and plan on reusing?
Ans:i would buy all (i have a old 2.1 speakers),......i had a laptop dv6 which did take all the load but died recently with the 60 i have i planed for a desktop
8. When are you planning to buy the system?
Ans:tomorrow or day after tomorrow
9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
Ans: how much would it cost to do it by an assembler i mean what's the difference....yes i know how to assemble
10. Where do you live? Are you buying locally? Are you open to buying stuff from online shops if you don't get locally?
Ans: kolkata...yes i went to md computers they seemed good people
11. Anything else which you would like to say?
Ans: ONLY AMD .....i want to go with an fx8350(piledriver) and a sapphire 7950 with vapour x and boost...these two are a i can compromise.....also is an ups highly required i mean can i buy it later on(the place where i stay does have power surges)....suggest a good psu too keeping a little space for oc'ing in the future...also i am thinking of going with a 120gb ssd now instead of a that a good idea i mean i want to stick with ssd's now would upgrade soon enough ...i would install the os plus a few softwares not more than 30gb plus a game or two nothing more than that...
Ans:Games like Farcry 3, Black Ops II,Crysis3,BF3,dirt3,gta4,sleeping dogs,future i do some work on some designing i have a habit of keeping two or three games in the background plus listening to music...doing work using softwares...surfing.etc all at the same time...
2. What is your overall budget? If you can extend a bit for a more balanced configuration, then mention this too.
Ans:Max 60K...
3. Planning to overclock?
Ans:yes,will buy the h100 then
4. Which Operating System are you planning to use?
Ans:Windows 7
5. How much hard drive space is needed?
Ans:none required
6. Do you want to buy a monitor? If yes, please mention which screen size and resolution do you want. If you already have a monitor and want to reuse it, again mention the size and resolution of monitor you have.
Ans:Yes, 22
7. Which components you DON'T want to buy or which components you already have and plan on reusing?
Ans:i would buy all (i have a old 2.1 speakers),......i had a laptop dv6 which did take all the load but died recently with the 60 i have i planed for a desktop
8. When are you planning to buy the system?
Ans:tomorrow or day after tomorrow
9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
Ans: how much would it cost to do it by an assembler i mean what's the difference....yes i know how to assemble
10. Where do you live? Are you buying locally? Are you open to buying stuff from online shops if you don't get locally?
Ans: kolkata...yes i went to md computers they seemed good people
11. Anything else which you would like to say?
Ans: ONLY AMD .....i want to go with an fx8350(piledriver) and a sapphire 7950 with vapour x and boost...these two are a i can compromise.....also is an ups highly required i mean can i buy it later on(the place where i stay does have power surges)....suggest a good psu too keeping a little space for oc'ing in the future...also i am thinking of going with a 120gb ssd now instead of a that a good idea i mean i want to stick with ssd's now would upgrade soon enough ...i would install the os plus a few softwares not more than 30gb plus a game or two nothing more than that...