Gaming PC configuration


Broken In

I want to convert my work PC into a gaming PC. I have around 20k rupees to spend.

Following is the current hardware configuration of my PC-

Motherboard :- Intel series 6 chipset
Processor :- Intel i3 2120 @3.30 GHz
Power Supply:- Circle CPH694, max power 400w
Hard Disk:- Barracuda 1 TB
Graphic Card:- ATI Radeon HD 5450
RAM:- Kingston 4GB DDR3.

I don't want to replace motherboard and processor. What else should I replace to make my work PC a decent gaming PC?


Asus/Zotac gtx 660 2gb - rs 14500-15000

Seasonic s12 520w psu - rs 3900

if possible then get another same Kingston 4gb ram @rs 1800


Broken In
can you suggest a good monitor? if it is really worth it i will eat less next month and spend that money on monitor :razz:


Wise Old Owl
New CPU , its a Major one than the monitor . You can use your current monitor itself and spend the extra bucks on the proc.
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