gaming on wireless network... how??


In the zone
Following is the main requirement:
I want to connect to my friend's computer (in my society) who is also using wireless Dlink router mainly to play games and share files.
I have checked using a laptop, my friend's wireless signal is reachable @ my place.

is it possible to play games on this wireless network.
if yes, 1. then which router should i go for ?
2. can this router also server for my wireless broadband ?

Or shoud i only go for wireless receiver?

I have Hathway Broadband internet @ home


I already gave you a hint. But you made a new thread again of same.-/ nvm
-Both you and your friend need to be on same router or router cum modem to play over LAN. If you are planing to buy new router then look for wifi n router cum modem from dlink, net gear or Cisco(your pick). Now as you said you are using laptop, so you don't need wifi adapter. But if it doesn't have wifi n adapter then save money and get wifi g router cum modem. Ask your friend before buying router, if he got wifi n adapter then get a wifi n router cum modem and let him join your network instead. Otherwise stick with g standard.

P.S: if you dont have strong enough signal then your pings may increase when you put certain amount of stress on your wifi network, while working, playing, transferring files or any other heavy data usage activity or even worse 'disconnections'.
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