Thanks for the reply.Buddies, aren't we forgetting to use spoilers or ASCII chars when mentioning these forbidden words!
at OP, dude at some point of time in gaming life, originality matters and it encourages a healthy experience, no one has to put up a truck of original games to do that, a few would do, with your budget 80K, buy a rig with 75K, will be good enough for FHD gaming at least for 2 years from now, and with rest 5K, buy some games and help developers.
i appreciate your views on originality of games.Actually i was not buying a console because of buying original games.So if I have to buy original games shouldn't i go for a console?so my question to you is which platform is better for overall gaming experience?and which option is overall cheaper?and i would like to inform you that i don't have lcd tv so i have to buy a lcd tv to playing games on consoles.but there is a small issue.AFAIK a console costs around 20k and a 32 inch tv cost around 30k,so the total is i am still left with 30k.therefore i can buy a new laptop.but there is small issue.actually i had a dream of having a gaming setup in which i thought to include a powerful pc with a large moniter lying on my desk and a laptop...
so if go for a console i have to install the tv and console in my drawing room.and dream of having a gaming set-up will be unfulfilled so what should i do?and if a go for a desktop i will not be able to buy a new laptop for myself?so my query is there any way to buy both desktop and laptop under a budeget of 90k?i need a desktop that can do full hd gaming @ultra settings?thanks