Games: How much they affect U

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I hate QIII and UT, bomberman, however, is my all time favourite. Hey dexter, have you played DigDug, I loved that too :D


King of my own Castle
I play needfor Speed ( all seris ) a lot really i love car racing games a lot...but somehow what it has done to my driving habbit...its totally spoilt my car driving ...i mean i frequently take car to nagpur to Pune and sometimes on the highway i feel i need to get some bonus points on the turn and hey my hands without any command from the brain automatically take that dangarous turn. cutting on the curvature ....all it puts me is in a dangarous position ( wrong side on highway at 110 KPH )....
MY MY someone save me !!!!!! :cry:


I used play aoe2 conquerors in my 10th class. Got 56% attendance coz i play 9-12 hrs a day. I played it even before board exams.
I remeber playing half life my first fps game. I got used to quicksaving and quickloading that time that before my physics boards i studied for only 15 mins and was playing hl. when my mother asked what i will do if i get less marks isaid i would quickload. But later irealised my mistake. Now games don't affect my reality ata all. I can differentiate between reality and game world. Just this month i finished vice city 100% twice. The second time i finished in 21 hrs continuous. Hell i was sleepy.


Broken In
ADDICTION!! My only addiction was with WARCRAFT 3. Its the best game out there. And u wont get bored. Anyway now i'm out of maps and i've not upgraded to Frozen throne. So i dont get maps from .Is somebody out there having an idea to make a Random Map Generator for warcraft 3????


i am playing gta vice city now a days think like getting a chain gun and start with the real world

i thank the lord everyday for i dont have a gun and its not selling out there .

thank you god thank you :p

i will need therapy

its true, but i think i can control myself enough :p


In the zone

Games do affect me somewhat..but just at a perceptual level. Only once did I game so much before an exam that my scores dipped. After that I'm more careful and finish studying quickly so I can game for sometime, without affecting my scores :) !

As regards the perceptual level..well when something goes wrong, my hand automatically goes to the position that would have been occupied by the F9 key (Quickload in Deus Ex and Half Life) if there had been a keyboard in front of me ;-) If I need sumthin' my hand tries to press the F1 key, to bring up the inventory screen (in Deus Ex). After playing games like QIII and UT and MotoGP2, when I'm on the road, I feel like blowing everyone off it (I can actually see them flying off after an RL shot hits them! I can even see the rocket trails...the fire...everything!) and going full speed ahead! After playing Euro 2004, well..even when I start playing another game, I ready my left hand to hit the 'A','D','E' and 'S' keys.

As regards the records:

QIIIA - finished it in 7 hours straight.
Deus Ex - played one level for four-five hours just to try out the various permutations and combinations.
DeusEx- Woke up at 10:00 am. Had my breakfast. Loaded at 11:30 am. Played continuously for 3 hours (not much) had my lunch, came back, played for 4 hours, took a 2 minute break for some coffee, came back and played for another 3.5 hours before my mother dragged me to the dining room. Came back after that to play till 2:00 am.

I don't remember my NFS scores. I sucked at the older cars anyway.

FIFA 2000 - Half-time score - 7-0 (shows why Fifa 2004 is way better)
FIFA 2002 - Half time score - 6-0 (or is it 7-0? I'm not sure)
Euro 2004 - 1-0 and 2-2 are the max I have got :-(

Searched for a way out of the 'nether world' in HL: Blue Shift for two hours! That was more because I was feeling reely sleepy and cldn't see sumthin' lying right b4 my eyes..or rather b4 the camera, and not because it was very complicated.

Nice thread BTW. :)


Hey Dkant u seem have gone thru similiar xperience.
My hand also used to go to F9, due to half life.
Deus ex. Yeah just like I tried all permutation and combis of diff events and conversations.
But I don't play sports games

Hey did anyone try clicking war3 characters repeatedly.
The bear (druid of te claw) says
"Only you can prevent forest fires."
>Other: Smokey The Bear, silly.

-"I'd rather be hibernating."

-"He wasn't Fuzzy, wuzz he?"

-"Da Bears."

-"Got any gummy humans?"

*Music* -"Can't... stop... dancing!"

-"Quit clicking on my bear ass."

Try out all the units and heroes. U can access these sound files from the editor


Salieri Family
I am fan of MAX PAYNE.
Whenever in the classroom I see a boring lecturer giving a boring lecture which I can't bunk due to attendence shortage I think tht I should throw at him a Molotov Cocktail and when he is burnin shoot him with INGRAM n SHotgun or one bullet from a SNIPER directly onto his head.
While drivin I don't apply this principle of NFS:Underground.
"On the road,I drive safely n responsibly........if u feel need 4 speed just play Underground."
This is just what I feel.No reality.When I was exposed to games DAVE was everything 4 me.After tht I was dying to get NFS:2 I thought it was the absolute game.Later on I got NFS:5........I saw the stunning graphics!!!!!!!!!n replays in different camera views n all tht......I didn't loved action games thn.but my frend a hardcore gamer,made me a fan of action games.I think how technology has developed i.e, games are developing and graphics quality is also increasing so rapidly tht new GPUs are coming.Earlier I didn't knew what is GPU.........But digit gave some knowledge abt it.
Though now I am not a hardcore gamer,I play Maxpayne-2,James Bond,Underground.I have even onboard GPU 4 these.


Only one game has made me imitate the character (whom you play as). And that's Mr. Garret. After I played 'Thief' for the first time, I actually tiptoed around. Opened doors very quietly. 'Used' things quietly. I actually felt like Garret himself. Been playing games since the days of wolfenstein 3d. But this was quite unbelievable. And, no, I'm not making this up :D
Presently playing Doom 3 (unbelievably boring and struggling to finish it)
System Shock 2 (IMHO the best RPG cum FPS in the world)


Cyborg Agent
This happened in my college...

Counter-Strike is extremely popular out here...
In the game, we buy 'Kevlar' and 'Helmet' just at the starting of every round for better protection.

So, one day a guy got hurt riding his bicycle when he ran over another fellow on motorcycle..
So this guy's friend asks him ..
"Didnt you have kevlar and helmet???"

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