I too am a game addict.I study in the ninth standard and since I was 7 or 8 yrs old when I got my first video game(the one with the cartridges)I would play basically the whole day running about now and then gettin new cartridges from frens buyin them if i got enough bucks.
When I got to play on the computer the first time in my fren's house ,I took me only three weeks to ask dad and get one for myself.There are only a few things I do on my pc play games ,play games ,play even more games and occasionally do some other stuff like surfing and chatting.
The games I am most addicted am to are Half-Life.I played Half-Life the whole day the first time I got the chance.I would evn wake up at 4:30 in the mornin to get ready and play before school instead of studying.I would'nt stop playing even though my parents scolding me all the time.I only stopped after I finished the game

( I really felt it should have been a 100 or so levels longer)
I love the Aoe series I played it even today.Nowadays even there is hardly a day when i don't paly aoe,aok or aom or I think I can't digest my food. My frens really annoy

me when they come in the the midle of one of my AOE games and i never give these cds to anyone coz my cds regularly get lost with frens.I have two copies each of these games .Just In case
I play loads of games like delta force 1 to 4,Max Payne,Spiderman,
Counter strike, Unreal Tournament,Quake II(I some even dream of one of these games and most probably wake with a start when i die in a deathmatch or something)
The Ea Fifa Games too Are one of my favorites . I most probably beat the computer even in pro mode after all my practice.(I love playin it over lan with frens too)
I have all the Harry Potter books and love them and the same goes 4 all the Harry potter games not tht I like 'em too much but I am a Harry Potter fanatic.
Nfs like all others I suppose is too one of my favourites.No need for an explanation on Nfs games I suppose.
Ceaser III too is one of my favorite games though I couldn't ever get much higher than architect

I love the game none the least.
Cricket 2004 one of my newest games is really nice but its much too easier batting then bowling(I may have learn't a few good shots from the game though)But I still play lot of it.I set such a huge total that the computer doesn't have a chance to chase it.(Just like our team does in the actual game)
Mortal Combat 4 is one of the coolest game I ever played. I especially like the magical special powers and I really hope that I could have used them in real life.
Smackdown 2 is a wrestling game and I like I expect many WWE fanatics love it. The special moves are like the actual wrestlers and the camera angles are great. (I do many of the move to my smaller brother who hates wwe coz of me hitting it)
Chess is another one of the games I play. I like to play chess but I don't get partners play play with as everyone thinks its boring so I play with the computer(I hardly win though)
RoadRash was the first biking game I played and though it was simple but I have played many a biking game since and I still play it once in a while . Moto gp2,Motocross Mania are the other biking games I have played.