Steam High Templar
post all the official mod sdk's ans toolsets of games you know here.
1.command and conquer 3
Genre RTS
Command & Conquer : Games : C&C 3 Tiberium Wars
click on the downloads tab and click on the C&C 3 MOD SDK v5 (106mb) (you need to have
command and conquer 3 installed and patched to 1.09)
2.Dragon Age origins
Genre RPG
Choose Language | BioWare Social Network
you need to have dragonage origins installed
1.command and conquer 3
Genre RTS
Command & Conquer : Games : C&C 3 Tiberium Wars
click on the downloads tab and click on the C&C 3 MOD SDK v5 (106mb) (you need to have
command and conquer 3 installed and patched to 1.09)
2.Dragon Age origins
Genre RPG
Choose Language | BioWare Social Network
you need to have dragonage origins installed