Third Eye
gooby pls
In the on-going Google vs. Microsoft war of cool map technology, I would say Microsoft at this point has the definitive advantage. While not a new feature, the "Birds Eye View" feature of Maps.Live.Com is pretty incredible (you can see the Stardock building from above in stunning close up detail). The Google equivalent is basically black and white, far less detailed and so old that it's from before the building was constructed (Google doesn't have a "Birds Eye View"). To switch Live Maps into Birds Eye View, click on the second icon on the right side of the toolbar over on the right side of the screen (the one with pictures of buildings and such on it). While Birds Eye View isn't available in rural area, it is available for large swaths of the populated area.
You can even look at it from different points of view:
(it's not just rotated, it's a different shot entirely). I can see my car!
To try it out, go to * and pay around with the toolbar.
Source -> WinCustomize