Fun at krow


Super Moderator
Staff member
<Sam94> yes
<ico666> open a new tab and type localhost
<ico666> what do you see?
<Sam94> ok
<Sam94> i see a google search of localhost
<ico666> ...
<Sam94> like it normally does
<ico666> ......
<Sam94> what should I do?
<ico666> PRESS ENTER <--|


God of Mistakes...
Aspire needed some help. I never understood what he wanted. ;)
* Aspire (~crazy9kil@unaffiliated/aspire) has joined #krow
<Aspire> _Garbage_: help
<_Garbage_> Aspire, yes?
<Aspire> _Garbage_: are you a bot?
<_Garbage_> Aspire, no I'm not.. Though all bots says they aren't bots
<Aspire> _Garbage_: who is your owner
<_Garbage_> Aspire, I have no owner... I'm free-node
<Aspire> _Garbage_: what do you do?
<_Garbage_> Aspire, I reply to people
* Aspire (~crazy9kil@unaffiliated/aspire) has left #krow
:p :p :p


Super Moderator
Staff member
why isnt any of the spam threads being deleted?? :x:???::???::???:
Because *you* don't report them. :p

Lemme tell you how this reporting thing works. Whenever someone reports a post/thread, a new thread is created in the "Reported Posts" section which is only accessible by the moderators. If that report is resolved, we lock that thread in the Reported Posts section to mark it as "resolved."

So, basically if you see a spam, you *should* report it. Multiple reports isn't a problem as they stack up in a single thread.

The actual credit for keeping this forum clean goes to Rhitwick, gagan007, paroh, celldweller and azzu as they always report the spam they see.
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Broken In
<papul> LFC_fan, *
<LFC_fan> papul: lol MS word :D
<papul> as i sais MS office sh1t
<LFC_fan> actually let the text be unreadable
<LFC_fan> doesn't matter
<LFC_fan> simply scale it
<LFC_fan> don't you have a good lad in your college, who forwards his work to all friends?
<LFC_fan> *college/school
<Connoisseur> papul, i can suggest if u have Photoshop
<Connoisseur> :p
<papul> i have
<papul> :D
<papul> well all my friends are nubs
<papul> i have to teach them :p
<Connoisseur> before putting the screenshot on Office document, just crop it in Ps
<LFC_fan> you can even do it in GIMP
<papul> well i did that in irfanview
<LFC_fan> even MS paint
<LFC_fan> >_>
<Connoisseur> don't know bout GIMP
<Connoisseur> lol
<Connoisseur> true
<Connoisseur> :p
<papul> Connoisseur, u have xp?
<Connoisseur> yep
<Connoisseur> so what?
<papul> Connoisseur, ok open paint and search for crop option :p
<Connoisseur> O_O
<papul> i dont know where it is
<LFC_fan> O_O
<LFC_fan> lol noob
<LFC_fan> NOTW?
<Connoisseur> papul, u kidding??
<papul> Connoisseur, no
<Connoisseur> dude
<papul> i didnt find it in college comp
<papul> in paint
<papul> CROP
<Connoisseur> there is NO "crop", only you have to change attributes..
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to LFC_fan
* LFC_fan has changed the topic to: Kaaaw Kaaw Kraaaaw to #krow | <Krovv> The Crow's Nest - I made a website on crows! | <papul> Connoisseur, ok open paint and search for crop option :p <papul> i dont know where it is
<Connoisseur> haha
<papul> lol thats what i was asking
* LFC_fan has changed the topic to: Kaaaw Kaaw Kraaaaw to #krow | <Krovv> The Crow's Nest - I made a website on crows! | NOTW : papul - <papul> Connoisseur, ok open paint and search for crop option :p <papul> i dont know where it is
<papul> there no crop option
<LFC_fan> lol
<LFC_fan> n00b
<Connoisseur> :D
<-- LFC_fan has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.0)
--> LFC_fan (~drogba@ has joined #krow
<-- LFC_fan has quit (Changing host)
--> LFC_fan (~drogba@unaffiliated/lfc-fan/x-9923423) has joined #krow
<LFC_fan> XD
<Connoisseur> XD
<Connoisseur> papul, do some research on google buddy
<papul> dont have time
<Connoisseur> that will help you better
<LFC_fan> Connoisseur: he doesn't google
<papul> this time i will install irfab view
<Connoisseur> LFC_fan, WHAT??
<LFC_fan> Connoisseur: he has been advised that
<papul> on cillege comp
<LFC_fan> for just about
<LFC_fan> 10,000 times
<Connoisseur> WHHAATT???
<LFC_fan> ALREADY!!!
<LFC_fan> Still he doesn't fix himself :D
<Connoisseur> :D
<papul> pasting selecting cutting etc is too much
<LFC_fan> lol
<Connoisseur> then do what i've said in Ps
<LFC_fan> zomg
<Connoisseur> XD
<LFC_fan> how is that too much?
<LFC_fan> and you've got your order wrong
<LFC_fan> no wonder it is too much
<LFC_fan> I mean
<papul> i didnt say that in order
<Connoisseur> lol
<LFC_fan> first you PASTE
<LFC_fan> then you SELECT
<LFC_fan> then you CUT?
<Connoisseur> XD
<LFC_fan> WTF?
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Krazzy Warrior

"Aal Izz Well"
^^LOL! :p

<noobjoe> Watch this at your own risk[NSFW] :
<noobjoe> A video featuring "Who" in a lead role. :p
<noobjoe> YouTube - Sheila ki jawani v. Crazy Japanese guy
<Kr4zzy> lol
<noobjoe> >.> Don't laugh at Who. IMHO, he showed Katrina who is more "jawan" xD
<noobjoe> Or maybe he is papulul.. I am confused :|
<Kr4zzy> lol


Super Moderator
Staff member
[21:43] [Vyom] ico666
[21:43] [Vyom] Very first iPhone owner
[21:43] [Vyom] drops the iphone on live tv
[21:43] [Vyom] accidently
[21:44] [Vyom] *
[21:44] [Hexerr] Title: First iPhone 6 sold in Perth is dropped by kid during an interview - YouTube
[21:44] [Vyom] short clip
[21:44] [ico666] broke
[21:44] [ico666] ?
[21:44] [Vyom] nope.. dissapointingly
[21:44] [Vyom] dissapointingly*
[21:45] [Vyom] wow.. I was correct the first time
[21:46] [ico666] lol, wrong both the times.
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