<papul> LFC_fan, *www.shareimages.com/image.php?48169-pJSfl5SknZyplpyWlag-clipboard04.jpg
<LFC_fan> papul: lol MS word

<papul> as i sais MS office sh1t
<LFC_fan> actually let the text be unreadable
<LFC_fan> doesn't matter
<LFC_fan> simply scale it
<LFC_fan> don't you have a good lad in your college, who forwards his work to all friends?
<LFC_fan> *college/school
<Connoisseur> papul, i can suggest if u have Photoshop

<papul> i have

<papul> well all my friends are nubs
<papul> i have to teach them

<Connoisseur> before putting the screenshot on Office document, just crop it in Ps
<LFC_fan> you can even do it in GIMP
<papul> well i did that in irfanview
<LFC_fan> even MS paint
<LFC_fan> >_>
<Connoisseur> don't know bout GIMP
<Connoisseur> lol
<Connoisseur> true

<papul> Connoisseur, u have xp?
<Connoisseur> yep
<Connoisseur> so what?
<papul> Connoisseur, ok open paint and search for crop option

<Connoisseur> O_O
<papul> i dont know where it is
<LFC_fan> O_O
<LFC_fan> lol noob
<LFC_fan> NOTW?
<Connoisseur> papul, u kidding??
<papul> Connoisseur, no
<Connoisseur> dude
<papul> i didnt find it in college comp
<papul> in paint
<papul> CROP
<Connoisseur> there is NO "crop", only you have to change attributes..
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to LFC_fan
* LFC_fan has changed the topic to: Kaaaw Kaaw Kraaaaw to #krow | <Krovv> The Crow's Nest - I made a website on crows! | <papul> Connoisseur, ok open paint and search for crop option

<papul> i dont know where it is
<Connoisseur> haha
<papul> lol thats what i was asking
* LFC_fan has changed the topic to: Kaaaw Kaaw Kraaaaw to #krow | <Krovv> The Crow's Nest - I made a website on crows! | NOTW : papul - <papul> Connoisseur, ok open paint and search for crop option

<papul> i dont know where it is
<papul> there no crop option
<LFC_fan> lol
<LFC_fan> n00b

<-- LFC_fan has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.0)
--> LFC_fan (~drogba@ has joined #krow
<-- LFC_fan has quit (Changing host)
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<LFC_fan> XD
<Connoisseur> XD
<Connoisseur> papul, do some research on google buddy
<papul> dont have time
<Connoisseur> that will help you better
<LFC_fan> Connoisseur: he doesn't google
<papul> this time i will install irfab view
<Connoisseur> LFC_fan, WHAT??
<LFC_fan> Connoisseur: he has been advised that
<papul> on cillege comp
<LFC_fan> for just about
<LFC_fan> 10,000 times
<Connoisseur> WHHAATT???
<LFC_fan> ALREADY!!!
<LFC_fan> Still he doesn't fix himself


<papul> pasting selecting cutting etc is too much
<LFC_fan> lol
<Connoisseur> then do what i've said in Ps
<LFC_fan> zomg
<Connoisseur> XD
<LFC_fan> how is that too much?
<LFC_fan> and you've got your order wrong
<LFC_fan> no wonder it is too much
<LFC_fan> I mean
<papul> i didnt say that in order
<Connoisseur> lol
<LFC_fan> first you PASTE
<LFC_fan> then you SELECT
<LFC_fan> then you CUT?
<Connoisseur> XD
<LFC_fan> WTF?