Foresight Linux Users?

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Any Foresight Linux users here running it on a on-board Graphics card based PC?
Are you able to run it without any issues?


18 Till I Die............
what onboard graphics card is that? Intel and nvidia will work without a hitch. ati may cause a bit of problem.


18 Till I Die............
Dunno about wi-fi, if it's an atheros chipset it may even work out of the box, otherwise you may have to work around a bit with it. I don't think that cam will work but I am not so sure. Graphics shouldn't be a problem at all.


Thanks mate. I will check out the make later when I use my lappy. Searching around, I got this piece of info about Wi-Fi in Foresight Linux.

Foresight Linux comes with Network Manager installed by default. Installing wireless drivers is outside the scope of this guide, but Foresight Linux does come with Intel's binary drivers included by default, madwifi for Atheros cards, and ndiswrapper for wireless cards with Windows only drivers.
Assuming your wireless card is working, double click the Network Manager icon in the upper right corner of your panel. Choose the name of the wireless newtork you wish to connect to, and enter the WEP key if necessary. Network Manager will then automatically connect, and re-connect at reboot in the future.
Note: NetworkManager only works with IP addresses acquired with DHCP, and does not work with static IP addresses at this time.

So I guess it should work out....

I too have no clue about webcam. I will check it after installation. I think it might need some drivers download to configure in foresight.


Finally, I have installed GNOME on Foresight Distro. I didn't face any problems till now. Installation went on smooth. I have installed it in a extended partition of 10GB with a swap partition of 500MB.

Firefox Browser came in-built in package. But I am not able to configure internet connection thr' GPRS mobile. I need to get Bluetooth Drivers, Webcam driver and HP Quickplay shortcut drivers too.

Can anyone tell me how to cleartune text display? The text is not so pleasant looking. I want it like Windows XP clear-tuned.


left this forum longback
I used Foresight till some time back.left its use bcoz of the no of bugs-infact till recently they dont have rp-pppoe working!i only submitted bug checked and now fixed,also there are few ppl who uses Foresight or rpath I think.
BTW conary is a good package manager.
GNOME looks gr8 in Foresight that's true.just one click enable compiz and more.

U need anti-aliasing enabled for fonts looking good.check menu>System>preferences>fonts.
even they got M$ fonts installed by default isnt?
btw Y dont u try Debian or Ubuntu? :) jus a recommendation


praka123 said:
I used Foresight till some time back.left its use bcoz of the no of bugs-infact till recently they dont have rp-pppoe working!i only submitted bug checked and now fixed,also there are few ppl who uses Foresight or rpath I think.
BTW conary is a good package manager.
GNOME looks gr8 in Foresight that's true.just one click enable compiz and more.

U need anti-aliasing enabled for fonts looking good.check menu>System>preferences>fonts.
even they got M$ fonts installed by default isnt?
btw Y dont u try Debian or Ubuntu? :) jus a recommendation

Ya, I know that the user base is less, but I just searched about it's reviews and evolution. I am satisfied with it due to following reasons:
- Foresight is official distro for GNOME (Just a psychological effect!)
- The packager comes fully packed with all accessories like Media Player, Bluetooth File Transfer, Wi-Fi, and loads of themes and stuff. I connected my SE 750i and it instantly recognised it. I was able to play 3gp videos and Mp3 songs (from my mobile) without a hitch.

Anyways, it's too early to comment anything on it. I have not explored it much. Will post if I find major flaws...
As of now..I am happy and in no mood to change the distro. :)

mediator said:
For gprs connection!

Thanks! Will check it out...
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Debian Rocks!
^Yeah.GNOME with Foresight will be gr8.Foresight is the distro which releases in sync with each release of GNOME DE.there rpath appliance thing will let u make a custom distro.


I am not able to configure bluetooth to connect to my mobile for accessing GPRS. However I can send & receive files between mobile & PC via bluetooth. Can anyone give me easiest way to connect to Mobile via bluetooth. I can find a loader which asks for "inf" files. But I am not sure where to get it from.


check this also


18 Till I Die............
At what step does it get stuck? Maybe there are a couple of differences between nokia phones and SE phones. But, I am sure there are various how-to's available for SE phones and if I remember right there are a few on K750i too. Please google for it.


left this forum longback
it is difficult for a new user to start using conary pkg manager (CLI support only) to install packages.the steps includes going to rpath's site and search till morning to night the correct app u want adding it to conary;installing it Ufff!
Foresight Linux is a showcase Linux for GNOME latest releases.It is made "Unbreakable" I mean u cant easily install packages with a GUI.
My humble and simple suggestion is to get urself Xubuntu(low on resources,yet very nice gui,esp latest release) or Ubuntu.
Otherwise go for Suse or Mandriva.


Mediator, thanks for the links.

Mehul, I am not able to edit the hcid.conf file in etc/bluetooth. Y'day I was able to do it. But not today. I am opening it as a administrator from the right-click context menu. I get the following error message.


Prakash, I will consider you suggestion. But let me just use this installation for few days and get the feel.


Ok... finally I got it solved by playing around with Admin rights and changing User and Root password. Now I could edit it without problems.

I configured all the files to connect to GPRS mobile via bluetooth.
Now upon dialing #wvdial GPRS, I get the error message as:
"Sorry, No modem was detected".
I checked /dev/...folder and couldn't see modem folder. From where can I get this modem settings?

Finally I got it working by doing some work arounds.
But there is one problem. I am not able to pair the mobile with PC.
This is the edited content of hcid.conf:

# HCI daemon configuration file.

# HCId options
options {
	# Automatically initialize new devices
	autoinit yes;

	# Security Manager mode
	#   none - Security manager disabled
	#   auto - Use local PIN for incoming connections
	#   user - Always ask user for a PIN
	security user;

	# Pairing mode
	#   none  - Pairing disabled
	#   multi - Allow pairing with already paired devices
	#   once  - Pair once and deny successive attempts
	pairing multi;

	# Default PIN code for incoming connections
	passkey "BlueZ";

# Default settings for HCI devices
device {
	# Local device name
	#   %d - device id
	#   %h - host name
	name "BlueZ(%d)";

	# Local device class
	class 0x3e0100;

	# Default packet type
	#pkt_type DH1,DM1,HV1;

	# Inquiry and Page scan
	iscan enable; pscan enable;

	# Default link mode
	#   none   - no specific policy 
	#   accept - always accept incoming connections
	#   master - become master on incoming connections,
	#            deny role switch on outgoing connections
	lm accept;

	# Default link policy
	#   none    - no specific policy
	#   rswitch - allow role switch
	#   hold    - allow hold mode
	#   sniff   - allow sniff mode
	#   park    - allow park mode
	lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;

And this is the content of rfcomm.conf:

# RFCOMM configuration file.

rfcomm0 {
#	# Automatically bind the device at startup
	bind no;
#	# Bluetooth address of the device
	device 00:12:EE:05:CB:1C;
#	11:22:33:44:55:66;
#	# RFCOMM channel for the connection
	channel	1;
#	# Description of the connection
	comment "Example Bluetooth device";

This is the BT address scan details:

[root@localhost ~]# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
        [B]00:12:EE:05:CB:1C[/B]       Kiran RKK

When I connect to the bluetooth address, I get the connection in mobile. It asks me whether to add the device. I clicked yes. Then it asks for PIN code. It refuses '1234'. I also tried adding the same code i use in Windows XP. It also is refused.

Here is the error:

[root@localhost ~]# rfcomm connect  00:12:EE:05:CB:1C
Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Connection refused

There is no bluepin file in /usr/local/bin/bluepin file

Can anyone help me pairing the device?

One more thing I would like to add up is, after I do all these things my Windows XP again asks for pairing. I enter the code and the mobile gets paired. I understand that pass code for pairing is stored in BT software and not OS, So I guess something is overriding the pass code in Linux due to which I have to again pair in Windows too.
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18 Till I Die............
add this line
pin helper /etc/bluetooth/pinhelper;
in hcid options in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf
Comment out the following like as I've shown(by adding # before it)
#passkey "BlueZ";
pin is stored in /etc/bluetooth/pin file so check if it is 1234.


mehulved said:
add this line
pin helper /etc/bluetooth/pinhelper;
in hcid options in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf
Comment out the following like as I've shown(by adding # before it)
#passkey "BlueZ";
pin is stored in /etc/bluetooth/pin file so check if it is 1234.

I will comment out the line passkey "BlueZ"; as you said. But...
Mehul, there is no pinhelper or such kind of file in "Bluetooth". All I can see in root log-in is hcid.conf and rfcomm.conf only.

Now having said could the lines pin helper /etc/bluetooth/pinhelper; work?


18 Till I Die............
OK I just checked, pin-helper is just a shell script.
So, create a text file and name it as pin-helper and add the following content to it,
echo -n "PIN:"
cat /etc/bluetooth/pin
Now save it. Open the /etc/bluetooth folder in natilus and right click on the file and click on properties, go to permisssions tab
Give read and execute permission for everyone and write permission, too, for root.


18 Till I Die............
Sorry I won't be coming online much these days. There's too much of studies. If I happen have some time I will try to come online on some IM.
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