Flipkart Just Ruined The Basic Net Neutrality Principle By Joining Airtel Zero Platform

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Ideas are Bulletproof
Okay, I'm going to do my best to explain this.. Other users please add to this also.

What Internet org is doing is, they are basically creating there own ecosystem where Facebook for example will be available to everyone for free(as per the deal with the specific teleco) and that data stream is not being charged to the user. Now facebook or other have a unfair advantage over their competitors here.

All the data in the Internet should be treated as the same, if isp start discriminating upon the data, one company will have unfair advantage over the other.

In this scenario maybe the companies are paying (not sure ) to be a part of this. Not every startup or any other competitor to them will have money to do the same. For a startup it's simply extra overhead, which the company maybe can't afford.
Free is not always good, what if isp throttle other platforms/site just so they can gulp up money from them. ISPs here, can't be trusted with this.

(Add to this guy's.)
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
alright, Flipkart ditched it.

Somebody please start a thread for general Net Neutrality discussions. That will be a sticky now.


The Power of x480
Staff member
We already have this: TRAI invites Indians to comment on Net Neutrality
Can be made sticky. If necessary after a name change.
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