Arrow and The atom teams up...oh man, this is gonna be legen wait for it.....
Yeah. And BTW the trailer hinted of Oliver accepting the offer.... dary.. Lengendary!! Btw, it's Arrow Team, not the atom team.
... dary.. Lengendary!! Btw, it's Arrow Team, not the atom team.
"Arrow and The atom" teams up...oh man, this is gonna be legen wait for it.....
Yeah. And BTW the trailer hinted of Oliver accepting the offer.
Why not?
Answer needed from all arrow and flash lovers...
Why to watch arrow ? (if you are watching flash)
Why to watch flash ? (if you are watching arrow)
Why not?
And, why do you need some questions to answer to start watching a TV show. Its not a medicine to which one expects a side effect for which one is cautious to swallow.
Its a TV series based on comic book. If you in your childhood had ever loved them you would watch 'em irrespective of their pace, CGI, acting or storytelling.
And, to specifically answer your question...its like you are faced with a mathematical question while solving a chemistry problem and you doubt should you really learn math or just know how to solve only this problem!
^ please check post #216
please dont just check what I written, check whats there in quote (#215)..
I don't need answers, I thought you will all help him to understand why he should watch arrow, if he is watching flash?
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what is this???
You need to know the root of the stories as the characters of both stories visit each other frequently. You can obviously stick to only one series but doing so many questions would be unanswered.And, to specifically answer your question...its like you are faced with a mathematical question while solving a chemistry problem and you doubt should you really learn math or just know how to solve only this problem!
So in the last episode, Dr. Wells ...
... is talking to his wife while travelling in his car. The wife said something like, "I am so tired, I just want to goto bed in my Pyajamas and sleep... Nah.. definitely not the pyajamas". To which Harrison remarks, "Hello..".
I don't understand this conversation. Was that just casual chat suppose to show that those were ordinary couples... too ordinary before the crash?
Dr. Wells is no more alive but its Eobard Thawne in his place, living his life with his memories and skills(?)
Ummm...seems I over-reacted.
Heck, sorry @amit.tiger12 but you are asking too many questions to watch a TV series!
Promo for "Broken Arrow" was out already.and not a single trailer for arrow??
But he just refers to those streaks as Electricity. He didn't notice that Flash give yellow blur and RF give red blur. Why is it opposite in color??[YOUTUBE]1aBurHV0pfU[/YOUTUBE]
Why is it opposite in color??
because Oliver Queen came to Central City.^ that was in last week... I was talking about this week..