Lost in speed
Actually you can't compare Flash with HIMYM or Friends, it's totally a different genre. The closest you can compare is with TBBT.OT: But yes, I actually started watching Friends recently, found it more real and funny.
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..and i'm straight to one day (future) after the final season (not S01, the final episode of the final season) was aired to bring back all the episodes from the future, and watch it like a marathon.Right now, I only wish to Time Travel to 14th April when it's aired.![]()

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next episode 18 All-Star Team-Up, can't wait more...The Flash - Different Person Trailer
Dr. Harrison Wells is not the original... Eobard Thawne, who had just killed Nora Allen only hours (or days, it's unclear) before, steals the real face of Dr. Harrison Wells and assumes his identity... epic!!!
Flash’s Real Eobard Thawne, Matt Letscher, Explains ‘Trickster’ Twist | Variety![]()
I was like W T F, when i saw someone inside the Reverse Flash's suit other than Wells.
1. IMO, it's the same day. We saw RF running first and then F, so it's evident that F is there to stop RF from killing his mom or his younger version. They fight with each other around Nora Allen, and finally RF succeeds in his motive. We also saw RF was running towards younger Barry only to be hit by F. F should've taken younger Barry away from the scene (ie., few blocks away) and RF tries to escape at that time thereby fell on road only to discover he's depleted of Speed Force and can't return to future. F then returns to his current timeline leaving younger Barry with a hope that younger Joe West (Iris's father) will take care of him. Now the only option for RF is to wait for younger Barry to grow into adult, and become Flash - so that he can use F's speed force to return to future. Hence, he kills Wells and assumes his identity.
2. Since Thawne is from future, he should've used some mind-mapping technology which absorbs not only the physical traits of Wells but also his emotions, mind and feelings. I feel like Wells is composed to two men like Firestorm with Eobard Thawne and Real Harrison Wells inside the same body.
1. IMO, it's the same day. We saw RF running first and then F, so it's evident that F is there to stop RF from killing his mom or his younger version. They fight with each other around Nora Allen, and finally RF succeeds in his motive. We also saw RF was running towards younger Barry only to be hit by F. F should've taken younger Barry away from the scene (ie., few blocks away) and RF tries to escape at that time thereby fell on road only to discover he's depleted of Speed Force and can't return to future. F then returns to his current timeline leaving younger Barry with a hope that younger Joe West (Iris's father) will take care of him. Now the only option for RF is to wait for younger Barry to grow into adult, and become Flash - so that he can use F's speed force to return to future. Hence, he kills Wells and assumes his identity.
2. Since Thawne is from future, he should've used some mind-mapping technology which absorbs not only the physical traits of Wells but also his emotions, mind and feelings. I feel like Wells is composed to two men like Firestorm with Eobard Thawne and Real Harrison Wells inside the same body.
S01E18 gonna break its previous record of Arrow-Flash crossover for sure. It got'em all - Flash, Arrow, ATOM, FireStorm as Heroes and pits against Reverse Flash, Weather Wizard, Captain Cold (heatwave & golder glider too probably) and Bug eyed bandit as villains.