fla in frontpage

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if i ve created a banner in flash and i want to keep the rest of the page in html how do i integrate the .fla into frontpage while designing the page?i read somewhere that i ve to use dreamweaver to integrate my flash movies but im not very familiar with the dreamweaver interface......what are the html tags to add a fla movie?


In the zone
.fla file cannot be instered directly inside the html and which will not work fine.

let me give you few few steps which cud help you get what you need.

Dreamweaver ::

* Open the .fla file which you have using Macormedia Flash which you have installed and do the one as mentioned below :

:: File>>Export>>Export Movie(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S) ::


* Once the above procedure is done, you have the converted or exported .swf file, which can now be insteretd in html page using dreamweaver or Frontpage and as always inserting Flash using Dreamweaver is the easiest way rather than insering via Frontpage, which may need a bit of manual coding.

* Next Open Macromedia Dreamweaver, and do the following :

:: Open your html file, tht you have coded earlier, or if u wanna create a new one, just goto File>New and select HTML (this is applicable if you have latest version of macromedia dreamweaver).

* Next.,

:: Insert>>Media>>Flash(Ctrl+Alt+F) ::


* Now your Flash is paced on the document. And you have to save them and open using any browser and check the flash file which you have embedded just now.

* If you are gonna use Frontpage, its kida manual coding and still I can help you one tht !

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="*download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="[b]your flash width size[/b]" height="[b]your flash height[/b]">
          <param name="movie" value="[b]your flash file name with .swf[/b]">
          <param name="quality" value="high">
          <embed src="[b]your flash file name with .swf[/b]" quality="high" pluginspage="*www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="[/b]your flash width[/b]" height="[b]your flash height here[/b]"></embed></object>

* The above code will work good if you gonna code them properly wuth width and height size.

* For More Info :

You can also goto Macromedia's site and get some tutorials and troubleshootings. Also Microsoft site for Frontpage.

And as always you can google up ur queries !

Tutorial by : Vinay ( Just wrote them now :lol: )


P.S: If you still got probs with this, let me know ! PM or Mail me and I will help you.


In the zone
ur welcome lamrinnirmal !
do ask more questions here and we are sure we can keep helping you all the time !

Have Phun !

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