Few Questions (Bangalore)

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Cyborg Agent
Need to know few things.

The cheapest computer dealers in bangalore? Need to know prices of i7 720/740 and WD internal 500gb/1TB and few other parts. Any idea about prices? Which shop should I ask? Phone number if possible.

My first year got over and I need to take everything with me to home. I would be flying so can't really take everything with me because of weight limit. So is there any service that would send my luggage safely to my home at not so very high cost? I asked some local transport guy but he said he can't accept such small amount. i might have 2 big boxes. Any service like that? There was this luggage bus service that takes your luggage for you at your desired location. I don't know if its there in Bangalore. Any kind of help would be appreciated. :)

Thank you.
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