Feedback for my website

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Staff member
I thought of moving my blog to an owned domain with paid hosting (thanks to Ravi), so here is my website, the content is by me except for few posts which are provided with original source too. The theme is pretty basic yet suffice for my needs.


its up for criticism and feedback. Please provide your ideas. If possible prototype design for banner image will be appreciated (though I will not be able to pay back you with money, still a heartful thank will be for u).

As of now there is no license and i dont feel like copyrighting it. Will it be of any harm to me ?


The Devil's Advocate
1. why is feed icon like it has been battered and bruised and dug up from some attic?
2. remove the 2nd pic of the dog, Animal activists will sue u :D (tch tch pointing at goobi)
3. i am assuming u will shift ur blog to a self owned?


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
I think you need a theme change. The current theme does not reflect or augment the emotions created by the posts.


Staff member
1. yeah i need to change that with a vibrant one, any good one in your stash ?
2. lol
3. shifted but the problem is that my wordpress blog is laced with visitors and a good PR. I dont want to loose that, so any suggestions ?

Last time I settled on some bandwidth hungry theme, this time I chose an in general one with minimal graphics. Seems like I searched a lot but yet the thing is incomplete :(
Any recommendations for a new theme, though there should be enough space width for the post and the header shouldn't be obtrusive.
Consider that i post some articles abt linux, technology and sometimes some random pics, music, movies, other times a personal one.


Linux Learner
I don't know whether it is ontopic, but i would like to add that that the site name selection could have been more generic rather than the word 'visio' which refers to a microsoft product. AFAIK this will somehow affect the PR of your site.


Staff member
Yeah I know, somehow MS stole:D this word, I never knew that a product like visio viewer exists :(

Yeah the site is just started from scratch and the content are from my blog, which has got some decent no of visitors. So cant deprive my site of the wordpress Blog link


Staff member
^^any way to redirect visitors to the corresponding posts on my new domain ?
Or I will put a link in each post to the corresponding one in the domain


The Devil's Advocate
Or I will put a link in each post to the corresponding one in the domain
that would be better,

for the rss icons:



Staff member
^^yeah will put up the links tonight

and got new icon for RSS too, thnx :)

added custom striped header image and a new RSS icon.

Does anybody see the error like "%BEG_OF_TITLE%%END_OF_TITLE%" over the recent comments in sidebar ?
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