Fedora System Requirements

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Hello guys,

I'd like to install fedora 7 in my old system with the following configurations.

celeron 1.10 ghz
256 ram
60 gb hdd ( c=11.7 GB, D=10 GB, E=11.7 GB, F=23 GB).

is this a required configuration to install fedora 7 ?

and what should i do with the partition size?

should I repartition my drive to install FC7 ?

if then pls help me to partition again and pls tell me how much amount of space required for FC7.

I've already installed win xp pro in c drive and I don't want to remove xp.

I'm planning to install fedora mainly for the purpose of downloading.

pls note that this installation and my system is only for the downloading hence I've just installed essential softwares for the downloading purpose. balance of the space is for keeping downloaded files.

And also I'd like to transfer the downloaded files to my sony vaio laptop to burn.

so if installed fedora 7 can I transfer the files to my laptop through pc to pc connection ( lan card)

so please help me


Wire muncher!
Raaza said:
Hello guys,

I'd like to install fedora 7 in my old system with the following configurations.
nice to see that people want to try out linux :)

Raaza said:
celeron 1.10 ghz
256 ram
60 gb hdd ( c=11.7 GB, D=10 GB, E=11.7 GB, F=23 GB).

is this a required configuration to install fedora 7 ?
i guess u meant is this configuration enough to install fedora core 7? the answer is yes. fedora provides you wid 2 desktop environments: kde and gnome. i'd say for optimal perfomance install gnome as it is lighter on the system. this can be selected during the installation process.

if u can forsake fedora then i'd suggest you install either xubuntu or dreamlinux. both are very light on system resources as they use xfce window manager which is very light.

Raaza said:
and what should i do with the partition size?

should I repartition my drive to install FC7 ?

if then pls help me to partition again and pls tell me how much amount of space required for FC7.
for bare essentials the recommended partition size is about 6gb. i suggest you empty the 23gb partition. you can split it into two: 6gb + 17gb. the 6gb partition will be your root (/) partition while the 17gb partition will be ur home (mounted as /home) partition. you can save all ur downloads to this.

you can create this setup when u are installing any linux distro. when you come to the partition screen you must select 'manual' partition. then delete the 23gb partition (of corz backup ur data prior to that... rather everything important from other partitions to an external media). now that 23gb will be shown as unallocated free space.

choose the option to create a new partition. select a size of about 6400mb. type the mount point as '/' and file system as 'ext3' (or ext2). then wid the remaining space create another partition of about 500mb and select the type as 'linux swap'. now wid the remaining space create another partition wid type 'ext3' (or ext2) and set the mount point as '/home'. be sure not to touch any other partitions apart from the last 23gb one or that may cause loss of data. now the partitioning is done! apply the changes and proceed wid the installation.

thats about ur installation. you'll hafta setup samba in order to share files and resources wid a windows based system. u can do it wid a cross over lan cable. but thats the later part. install linux first and then get back :)

ps: one more suggestion wud be to format/convert all the other partitions, apart from the one on which windows is installed, as fat32. this way if u run out of space on the 17gb '/home' you may save the downloaded contents or directly download onto those partitions.


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Fedora 7 gnome livecd(selected packages)-it can be installed on hdd too is a good option.
Ppl really thinks that Ubuntu/Kubuntu or One cd distributions are inferior becoz the packages are fewer than 4,5 cds or 3 DVDs distros.it is not like that.why do u want to install open suse DVD/CD's completely?do u ever use all those packages.I dont think a new user is going to use samba server eh!rather than installing DVD distros,I'll say install Ubuntu,browse through synaptic or aptitude the available packages(many small packages are there too) and install what you think is beneficial and/or cool to U.this is not in response to OP,but just a suggestion :)


first of all many many thanks for a quick helpful reply.

infra_red_dude said:
nice to see that people want to try out linux :)

ps: one more suggestion wud be to format/convert all the other partitions, apart from the one on which windows is installed, as fat32. this way if u run out of space on the 17gb '/home' you may save the downloaded contents or directly download onto those partitions.

is it must to keep c drive ( in which xp installed) as fat32?

at present it's NTFS.

all other partitions can format after a data backup.

if it's necessary to keep windows installation partition as fat32, what should I do now???


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^ u can have write access ntfs from linux too.after fedora installed later u shud download and install ntfs-3g.configure yum package manager in fedora to do so.
So no need to remove ntfs drive.keep ur windows partns there.


praka123 said:
^ u can have write access ntfs from linux too.after fedora installed later u shud download and install ntfs-3g.configure yum package manager in fedora to do so.
So no need to remove ntfs drive.keep ur windows partns there.

so kind of you praka123.


could you please recommend the best torrent client ( suite to my old system) and download manager for FC7?

and one more question.

with my microsoft internet keyboard I'm able to hibernate my win xp system when power failures using the key "sleep". i like this coz it prevents data loss (if the system shutdown unexpectedly) and saves my time also. y i'm asking this question is that i'm not using my monitor from UPS, instead it plugged directly into main power socket, to get more backup time. so this key is helping me very much with my downloads. sounds silly???


is it possible to hibernate in FC7 also with the same key?



Wire muncher!
Raaza said:
is it must to keep c drive ( in which xp installed) as fat32?

at present it's NTFS.

all other partitions can format aftreder a data backup.

if it's necessary to keep windows installation partition as fat32, what should I do now???
no it is not. read my post again. i said every other partition but not windows partition. coz ntfs has its own benefits over fat32. so stick wid ntfs on windows (ur "C Drive"). format others as fat32.

i'd prefer anyday hafing read write access to a fat32 partition than an ntfs one. tho ntfs-3g is quite mature now, it hasnt always worked for me. but in case of fat32, it has worked widout a problem since ages. so i suggested that u keep windows partition as ntfs and others as fat32 for hassle-free sharing.

Raaza said:
is it possible to hibernate in FC7 also with the same key?
linux distros use some or the other kind of key binding programs. so u can perform almost any function wid any key :)
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left this forum longback
torrent client :) Azureus is my favourite.but others are good too transmission,bittornado,deluge(this been a good one) etc
for kde there is ktorrent(I've heard only never tried)
if that key is detected by Linux,go to gnome menu SYstem>prefrences>keybrd shortcut>sleep .
mapping extra key is a big problem for novice users :-|
btwn @raaza 4m where r u?I think u pmed me once


Wire muncher!
oh regarding a light torrent client, i find 'deluge' the best for a non-kde environment. if its kde then ktorrent is installed by default and is a good torrent client.
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