Excel Problem


hi every one

i would like to discuss my problem i m having large excel data sheet in which i normally apply sorting to sort the data party wise. but database which i download from the net is actually starting with ' and then party name. so when i try to sort data on party it is not done because of this ' i tried replace command to replace ' with blank spaces but its not working can anybody help me to sort the data and remove this ' with blank spaces. i m using both version 2003 and 2007. do the needful and prmpt back soon



The Power of x480
Staff member
You can try removing the single quote from Text to Column feature of excel.

Note: Following guide is for Excel 2007:
  1. First make sure, the column is in text format.
  2. Select the column. Right Click on selected column -> Format Cells. In number tab, select Text from the list. And click Ok.
  3. Now, click Data tab on Ribbon -> Select Text to Column
  4. Select Fixed Width radio button. Click Next.
  5. Click select and make the line, on the scale, such that, single quote is selected.
  6. Now Click next.
  7. Then click finish. Make sure, the adjacent column was blank, or this process can overwrite the column.
Now you can delete the column of single quote, and proceed to sort.

Hope that works. :Fingerx:
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