Thanks man.
Sorry, I didn't post earlier, I ordered Omen en0001ax yesterday evening.
I was torn between HP pavillion for 72k(the most appropriate priced model right now, since the 61k model isn't available) and Omen for 76k.
I don't have a system even for normal work right now. Only have access to home laptop(shared).
It was getting to my head. So, slept during the afternoon tomorrow, woke up to see only one available. Ordered it.
Let's see how it fares when it arrives.
I really didn't care about refresh rates or color gamut as, I do have access to external monitor if I need that. Neither of the 4600h models currently available are good in this. So, I guess that's fine.
I'm still confused. I think I will be for the time being. But, I'm hoping the omen works fine. And the hinge issue isn't too much of a deal breaker.
BTW, thanks everyone (
@omega44-xt, all) for suggestions and all. I hope my decision was correct.
I'll post a review when I get it (or Saturday)
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