Entry Level Graphic card to play 2-3 Year old classics


Will Power
So I have holidays from 25th-14th Jan
Im a busy non med student so don't wanna get too distracted so
I was thinking of buying an entry level graphic card to play 1-2 or maybe 3 year old classic games like COD 4, Assassin's Creed 1 etc.
Please suggest me a graphic card around 2-3K :ashamed:
Please suggest me good games which I would be able to play at medium settings.

My config. is:
Dell 17 Inch Monitor 1440 X 900 (SE178WFP) :ashamed:
Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 (2.53GHz)
2 GB DDR2 Ram (667) :cry:
Western Digital 500 Gig HDD
Asus P5N- MX Mobo

I don't know which PSU I have cuz my dad recently got it changed cuz the prev. one failed but Ill change it if I need to.
Thanks! :wave:


Human Spambot
Just spend Rs.500 more and get the HD 5570 1GB DDR3. Its the cheapest VFM gaming card available as of now.

HD 5570 1GB DDR3 costs 3.5k. And it will suite you very much as you have a 17inch monitor.

And your 450W Intex PSU will suffice for this card. No need to change it.


Will Power
Any Idea if Ill be able to play Black OPS at medium? :/

1280 X 720 resolution and Med. settings :(

Also, is this better than the long obsolete 9600 GT??
And please suggest me other good games which I would be able to play!!

Actually ever since I got busy in studies I had to put the Geek in me to sleep but its been awake for the past 6 months and I don't know what happened in the Geek world after the GT2XX series from NVIDIA, launch of the i7 Proccys by intel ,Launch of the first 3D tvs ever, and at that time my friends used to call me 'Graphic Card Boy' cuz thats what I talked about all day long :p
Hell, 6 months back I didnt even know what Android was, but NOW my friends call me
Android-Boy :|
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
9600 GT = HD 5570. Same perfromance.

9600 GT is a power hog. HD 5570 is power efficient.


Will Power
ohk Thanks ico!
And I know you HATE Cheap desi PSUs and I hate asking you this
But would my Intex 450W be just fine? Or do I need an upgrade? :\
And yes!! If you can PLEASE ans. some other q.s too

Any Idea if Ill be able to play Black OPS at medium? :/
1280 X 720 resolution and Med. settings.

please suggest me other good games which I would be able to play!!

Which games would I be able to play online with a 512 Kbps connection. I wanna play games in CO OP mode with my friend who lives in the same city as I do.

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Chosen of the Omnissiah
Black Ops will run fine ob that resolution. :)

Running on the PSU you have is your wish. The safety of your computer will be compromised not mine. Just don't run 9600 GT as it is a much bigger power hog.

And buy the GDDR5 version of HD 5570. Not DDR3. There is HD 6570 too.


Will Power
Hmm, any recommendations for a PSU that would just do the Job. I dont want anything that'll harm my PC but I dont wanna shell out lots of money too :|
The Min. Ill have to pay for a PSU that does the job?
Im not planning to do any overclocking at all and its not like Im gonna game on long stretches. Just 1 hour a day, 4 days a week!


Retired Forum Mod
^^ if you buy HD55/56/65** series GPU, stock PSU will handle it. but if you want complete peace of mind, cheapest option is FSP Saga II 350W @ 1.5k or can get the 500W version at 700bucks extra.
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