End of Bullfighting Era


Spain draws curtain on Bullfighting

It was the end of more than 600 years history. On sunday evening , amid the cheers of fans and the bloody death throes of fighting bulls , Bercelona hosted its last ever bullfight.

As dusk fell in Catalan capital , sequin-clad local matador Serafin Marin dispatched the last of 6 bulls.
Where touts had been offering tickets at eight times their original price.

Supporters denounced the ban as an infringement of civil liberties , opponents declared it an enlightened move away from mindless Barbarity.

Source:Hindustan Times:-D

No more silly kills.......
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The Vagrant Seeker
civil liberties ?! damn ! NOW i see something 'civil' & 'human'....a pleasant news....thanks a lot for sharing this !

P.S. - That 'painful' pic is a worth a :grin:


so only Sarath is supporter:-D:-D

we(include me) opponents have more no. That why it get banned;-):-D


Haha don't get me wrong, I am not really interested in the sport. Its just a part of history that we are witnessing.

BTW I only like animals getting killed only if we can eat it.
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