Elden Ring


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I realized something about Elden Ring. Some of the important NPCs are named using George R R Martin's initials.

G - Godfrey, Godwyn, Godefroy, etc.
R - Rennala, Ranni, Radagon, Rykard, Radahn, etc.
M - Marika, Malenia, Millicent, etc.
Æsoteric Positron

Æsoteric Positron

I AM GROOT (and so are you)
Was anyone able to replay this game again? I tried a lot but I feel like once you have completed this game once it's impossible to get back
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
You can try new builds or try to set challenges for yourself, like playing without summons or with a particular build.
Æsoteric Positron

Æsoteric Positron

I AM GROOT (and so are you)
You can try new builds or try to set challenges for yourself, like playing without summons or with a particular build.
Well, I don't want to aritfically keep playing when there are many others still in the backlog lol. I am more interested in seeing what other's experience was. Feel like older Fromsoft games were more fun to go back to


Game & anime Lover
I tried playing the game again and again but i feel its not cup of my tea nor that any other fromsoft games are.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Well, I don't want to aritfically keep playing when there are many others still in the backlog lol. I am more interested in seeing what other's experience was. Feel like older Fromsoft games were more fun to go back to
I played a bit today, made some progress on my NG+ character. Finished the Dung Eater's quest. I mostly prefer boss rushing these days.

Perhaps you should take a break until the DLC drops.

I tried playing the game again and again but i feel its not cup of my tea nor that any other fromsoft games are.
Perhaps you should stop then :)


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I wish I could delete my memory of this game to play it again, it is that good.
I think this about all the previous games, including this one.

Though trying different builds or setting challenges for yourself is an alternative. I play a caster or ranged build for my subsequent playthroughs to change things up. Or I try to parry all parriable bosses.
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