Education system in India

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I want to see happy students, those who enjoy education. A good system must have the following

1. No subject should require "Mugging Up"
2. Students are thorough in fundamentals
3. Students learn only what is required for life
4. There is nothing called homework. Students learn only in schools and no need to open their books at home
5. Wherever possible, open book system shall be practised in exams.
6. Tuition must be banned. It is teachers responsibility at schhol to teach properly. Some students may lag behind, but school should take responsibility.
7. Students become experts in practical aspecs of like life--like communication, inter-personal relations, creativity, honesty

School dropouts like Edison and Einstien are classical examples to mock at the need for this type of education.

I only hope, after all these discussions, a fruitful solution emerges.
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