DX10.1 to replace DX10 in Vista SP1 - and is not compatible with DX10 cards!!!

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The Devil's Advocate
Mar 28, 2006
OMG prakash made a post without any links ... happy independence day ...

u posted the critisizm part how about posting the sensible part ;) oepn gl .... dude i want to play games not with open gl :lol:


You gave been GXified
Jan 16, 2007
praka123 said:
^the above two posts shows the intolerable and brand lock "features" of windows fanatics.

Windows is Microsoft's product. Is it wrong for Microsoft to make it easier for game developers to make games for Windows platform using an easier Windows optimised API called DirectX?

Is Microsoft stopping game developers from using OpenGL & making games on Windows?

OpenGL will become the standard some time near future.

Lets see, this was said in 1991, 1995, 1999, 2993 & now with OpenGL 3.0 specification. :D

it is already supported by major gfx card manufacturers.

Yup, so? DirectX is also supported by all gfx card manufacturers. Oh & by the way, OpenGL copied unified shader architecture in OpenGL 2.1 from DirectX 10 if U don't know.

what we experiance with DX is "vendor lock-in".while opengl allows u the freedom.

What freedom? If a game developer wants to make a game for Windows, they prefer DirectX cos it means less development work, means savings of resources & money. If they go OpenGL way for Windows that means they first have to make the base game, then optimise the game for Windows platform too...means more use of money. Which one do u justify from a business point of view.

I posted the criticism part esp for the mind-locked windows os users who are yet to know the realities beyond "Bill Gates"-the GOD

I am an Atheist :)....& no Bill Gates is an Idol...not god. What mind locked are u talking about? Windows works best for me the way I want it to work, why should I switch if I can pay for it?

yeah,I know arguing with @imav is like arguing with a pathetic schizophreniac :x get lost!

Mind your language, this might get u banned. Thread reported. You were the one who started this here...


The Devil's Advocate
Mar 28, 2006
relax preakash ... chill re... ahimsa mere bhai ... iska bhi link doon kya :D


King of my own Castle
May 7, 2004
Why is it that the more people fall on edge ,the more volatile they get ?
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You gave been GXified
Jan 16, 2007
Hey, I will not take any blame this time Ok. Prakash has no idea what & how to post & where. i was explaining to everyone that this is just a sepculation but he started his stupid posts again.....bashing MS for no reason when he has no idea that it was MS due to which the Windows Compatible part of OpenGL was made in 1993.


Dec 7, 2006
i think you guys want another thread locked.. admins gave you some warning.. and praka please stop this is technology section... and all of you who are flaming the technology thread.. thread will be locked if any more flaming will continue


In the zone
May 5, 2006
Well, No flame please, Microsoft is doing yeoman service to the mankind, particularly to the open source enthusiasts as its recent actions..think it, in any business environment, near or complete monopoly is impossible even your products is far superior to others.. But Microsoft achieved the feat and maintained the position, still maintaining it, not simply becasuse of its superior products, but also the support provided by the thousands of hardware firms, and millions of gaming enthusiates all over the world.. now it start to believe that it is God, and its decision had to be respected by all ..I agree, Microsoft has every right to modify its products to suit its needs,but in the process, by not disclosing its upgrading plans to earlier, millions who have bought the DX10. compatible machines by paying kings ransom, now again left in lurch.. So it is good for the Linux community as more and more users are turning towards Linux.. What RMS and Linus Torwald struggle to achieve for the past 15 years has been in one month itself by MS.. for this Praka 123 should thank MS and iMav .. Let us eagerly wait for DX10.2 in short times.

Thanking you,


King of my own Castle
May 7, 2004
gx_saurav said:
Hey, I will not take any blame this time Ok. Prakash has no idea what & how to post & where. i was explaining to everyone that this is just a sepculation but he started his stupid posts again.....bashing MS for no reason when he has no idea that it was MS due to which the Windows Compatible part of OpenGL was made in 1993.

I support you , as in open eyed support!


left this forum longback
Sep 7, 2005
it seems fanboyism rules!!!i've seen the 3 ppl here who pollutes everythread for alternate OS like MAc,Linux.Why?Why?cant get balanced?
I dont care for Any One.reg my post.it deserves.One guy will post a microsoft blog saying Vista secures the world from aliens?wtf?wth?
Hate you losers!.get ur mind straight rather than making it a fight club.

to the last post:
OH!Welcome-I dont want anybodies support?eh?go kiddo!get a life. really?I dont swear anytime that i have to stay here.

these 3 Mo*ons(May i tell their names?) are the main reason Linux or Mac users losting their patience.I know these ppl may be patriotic to Microsoft.that doesnot means to show other OS and Projects like OpenGL are inferior.where did they get the idea?also Direct X is a sure loss is what is called vendor lock-in.enjoy!!! :x
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You gave been GXified
Jan 16, 2007
praka123 said:
it seems fanboyism rules!!!i've seen the 3 ppl here who pollutes everythread for alternate OS like MAc,Linux.Why?Why?cant get balanced?

Pollute? Where, who bought the name of Evil MS in this thread? We didn't say a word about Linux, but u started your pointless post about MS & DirectX. If you don't know about something better not talk about it.
I dont care for Any One.reg my post.it deserves.One guy will post a microsoft blog saying Vista secures the world from aliens?wtf?wth?
Hate you losers!.get ur mind straight rather than making it a fight club.

You are the one making it figut club troll. We were just talking about DirectX here.

to the last post:
OH!Welcome-I dont want anybodies support?eh?go kiddo!get a life. really?I dont swear anytime that i have to stay here.

Nobody welcomed u here, plz leave.
these 3 Mo*ons(May i tell their names?) are the main reason Linux or Mac users losting their patience.
Did we take the name of Linux/Mac even once in this thread before you came?
that doesnot means to show other OS and Projects like OpenGL are inferior.

Who said anything about OpenGL being inferior. Both DirectX & OpenGL has flaws so yeah both are inferior to each other. Its not like since OpenGL is open source it is bugless

also Direct X is a sure loss is what is called vendor lock-in.enjoy!!! :x

If a graphics card supports DirectX 10, it automatically supports OpenGL 2.1, where is vendor lock-in? I wanna play a game & my gfx card can play both DX & OpenGL game in Windows, but on Linux I can only play OpenGL games......what about crysis, FEAR etc

shantanu said:
i think you guys want another thread locked.. admins gave you some warning.. and praka please stop this is technology section... and all of you who are flaming the technology thread.. thread will be locked if any more flaming will continue

Shantanu, we were simply discussing & I informed everyone that unless MS makes a statement, don't believe in speculations. It was prakash who came here & started bashing.
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damn busy...
Sep 10, 2006
thanx shantanu for ur reply.i actually forgot to highlight the words in my first post but in a hurry i messed up.ok now i am relaxed that the blame is removed from me.


Dec 7, 2006
praka123 said:
it seems fanboyism rules!!!i've seen the 3 ppl here who pollutes everythread for alternate OS like MAc,Linux.Why?Why?cant get balanced?
I dont care for Any One.reg my post.it deserves.One guy will post a microsoft blog saying Vista secures the world from aliens?wtf?wth?
Hate you losers!.get ur mind straight rather than making it a fight club.

to the last post:
OH!Welcome-I dont want anybodies support?eh?go kiddo!get a life. really?I dont swear anytime that i have to stay here.

these 3 Mo*ons(May i tell their names?) are the main reason Linux or Mac users losting their patience.I know these ppl may be patriotic to Microsoft.that doesnot means to show other OS and Projects like OpenGL are inferior.where did they get the idea?also Direct X is a sure loss is what is called vendor lock-in.enjoy!!! :x

hi praka , its been enough flame wars already and you are polluting the thread as it seems from your posts.. please dont do it agian.. you are a very senior member, and i dont expect this kind of behavior from you..

this is the last warning.. please pay attention to this..


The Devil's Advocate
Mar 28, 2006
ok prakash i did not take offense to the praises u showered on me in a previous post doesnt mean that everytime u say something i shall keep quite ... we all know here for a fact who hi-jacks every MS thread and spreads fud with links all over the thread ...

@prakash: jinke ghar kaanch l hotte woh doosron k gharon pe pathar nahi fekte ... we all know who's fanboy u r ... so shut up ... and stop giving ur anti-MS links in every freakin thread remotely associated to MS

@shantanu: i take offense to the adjectives used by prakash:
praka said:
@imav is like arguing with a edited get lost!
praka said:
these 3 Mo*ons(May i tell their names?) are the main reason
Shantanu uneed to take some action ... else there will be other members can also use such language wich is not good for the forum

me, gx, goobi, arya have a little fights but we dont cross the lines we hav some mutual understanding amongst us unlike prakash .... who does nothing other than just giving links links and more links

if u remmber i used to point out every thread hi-jacked by the lin boys ... we post in the mac section coz we are also mac users ....
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Dec 7, 2006
@imav : i have already taken some action.. there are rules which are to be followed.. by that i am taking action..

i already gave the last warning .. so if anything happens after that i will surely take hard actions..


The Devil's Advocate
Mar 28, 2006
Microsoft’s DirectX lead program manager has set the record straight on reports that DX10.1 will render the current crop of DX10-compatible hardware “obsolete.”

Microsoft’s Sam Glassenberg told Next-Gen in a phone interview, “DX10.1 fully supports DX10 hardware. No hardware support is being removed….It’s strictly a superset. It’s basically an update to DX10 that extends the hardware functionality slightly.”

He said that the update is similar to what Microsoft did with DX9. “We did make updates to [DX9] that extended the supported feature set.

“All the hardware is still supported, all the games still run, all the features are still there, we’ve just simply extended the feature set and the lifetime of the API,” he said.



Feb 25, 2006
iMav said:
Microsoft’s DirectX lead program manager has set the record straight on reports that DX10.1 will render the current crop of DX10-compatible hardware “obsolete.”

Microsoft’s Sam Glassenberg told Next-Gen in a phone interview, “DX10.1 fully supports DX10 hardware. No hardware support is being removed….It’s strictly a superset. It’s basically an update to DX10 that extends the hardware functionality slightly.”

He said that the update is similar to what Microsoft did with DX9. “We did make updates to [DX9] that extended the supported feature set.

“All the hardware is still supported, all the games still run, all the features are still there, we’ve just simply extended the feature set and the lifetime of the API,” he said.


Just like the old days.Nothing new.But u did a good job posting the truth here.As always this had to happen.


Hanging, since 2004..
Aug 21, 2004
gx_saurav said:
Its not like since OpenGL is open source it is bugless.

OpenGL is not opensource, OpenGL has nothing to do with being opensource afaik . Correct me if i am wrong.

Parka is just frustrated (Make him a mod and he will start to behave, i am sure :D). Telling others to get a life , when you point a finger to others, you are pointing three to yourself.

btw ,this is my last post in this forum.... :D for 2007. See you ppl next yr. bye
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