DVD writer burns dvds in how much time

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In the zone
Can i know , DVD writer burns dvds in how much time

i want to know 4.37 GB of data can be burned in how many mins in

IN this media speed if possible for all

just give approx time taken because it is hard to get dvd writer of samsung that writes DVD RW in 8x

and also media is also problem . thanks
soory i dont have any knowledge of DVD writers.

i am buying samsung TSH552U RSGN


Another Brick in the Wall
Why Samsung dude? It's not a good optical drive..

With 4X it takes 12-13 mins.
With 8X it may take some 4-5 mins.


In the zone
I have Lite-On. While writing a DVD at 8X although it showed initially 6 mins reqd. actually it took exactly 8 mins to complete.


In the zone
4x takes 15 minutes. 8X takes 10 minutes and 2x takes 30 minutes. 8X is not twice as fast as 4x because the writer writes half the disk @ 4-6x. 16x takes 6 minutes. But 2x and 4x are close to the speeds because they write to the disk @ 2x and 4x.
You can hack it to change this switching points to make your burns faster to save a minute to two here and there on some drives.

they did a comparision between DRU800, LG4163B, PX716A,BENQ1625, Samsung H552 and liteon 1693S.

The Sony DRU-800A put a maximum of only 2 PIF errors on the DVD+R, which is a ridiculously low number. The average was also only 0.05, putting it on the crowned spot as far as write quality is concerned. The Lite-On 1673S that took 10 seconds lesser to burn put a maximum of 114 PIF errors at an average of 0.09, which doesn't really mean the end of the world, but still doesn't justify the 10 second time difference. The Sony takes 10 seconds longer, but puts a whole lot less errors.


In the zone
sumitava_b said:
I have Lite-On. While writing a DVD at 8X although it showed initially 6 mins reqd. actually it took exactly 8 mins to complete.

Depending on the media used the times will vary. +R writing is almost a minute faster than -R.


Can any1 tell me how much is 1X in KBPS for a DVD. For a CD 1x is 150KBPS (not sure). So is it higher for a dvd. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


In the zone
There are basicly 4 different DVD Sizes,

DVD-5, holds around 4 700 000 000 bytes and that is 4.37 computer GB where 1 kbyte is 1024 bytes* . DVD+R/DVD+RW and DVD-R/DVD-RW supports this format. Also called Single Sided Single Layered. This is the most common DVD Media, often called 4.7 GB Media.

DVD-10, holds around 9 400 000 000 bytes and that is 8.75 computer GB. DVD+R/DVD+RW and DVD-R/DVD-RW supports this format. Also called Double Sided Single Layered.

DVD-9, holds around 8 540 000 000 bytes and that is 7.95 computer GB. DVD+R supports this format. Also called Single Sided Dual Layered. This media is called DVD-R9, DVD-R DL, DVD+R9, DVD+R DL or 8.5 GB Media.

DVD-18, holds around 17 080 000 000 bytes and that is 15.9 computer GB. DVD+R supports this format. Also called Double Sided Dual Layered.

* In the computer world is 1 KB data = 1024 bytes so 4 700 000 000 bytes / 1024 = 4 589 843KB / 1024 = 4482MB / 1024 = 4.37GB. See section 3.3 in the DVDDemystified FAQ here.

DVD+R/DVD+RW/DVD+R DL and DVD-R/DVD-RW exact sizes
DVD-R/DVD-RW = 4 706 074 624 bytes ( 4488 MB )
DVD+R/DVD+RW = 4 700 372 992 bytes ( 4482 MB )
DVD+R DL = 8 547 993 600 bytes ( 8152 MB )

Single Layer(4.7GB) write speeds
1x (CLV) = about 58 minutes
2x (CLV) = about 29 minutes
2.4x (CLV) = about 24 minutes
4x (CLV) = about 14.5 minutes
6x (CLV/ZCLV) = about 10-12 minutes
8x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 8-10 minutes
12x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 6.5-7.5 minutes
16x (CAV/ZCLV) = about 6-7 minutes

Dual/Double Layer(8.5GB) write speeds
1x CLV = about 105 minutes
2.4x CLV = about 44 minutes
4x CLV = about 27 minutes

Single Layer (4.7GB) read speeds
1x read speed is 1.321MB/s = ~56 minutes
6x CAV (avg. ~4x) read speed is max 7.93MB/s = ~14 minutes
8x CAV (avg. ~6x) read speed is max 10.57MB/s = ~10 minutes
12x CAV (avg. ~8x) read speed is max 15.85MB/s = ~7 minutes
16x CAV (avg. ~12x) read speed is max 21.13MB/s = ~5 minutes

* write speed time and read speed time is not the same because writing requires some extra steps and also does the faster writing above 6x usually use lower write speeds for some parts of the dvd. 4x DVD speed = 36x CD speed. See section 4.2 in the DVDDemystified FAQ here.

Technical Info for DVD-Video


Up to 9.8 Mbps* (9800 kbps*) MPEG2 video
Up to 1.856 Mbps (1856 kbps) MPEG1 video
720 x 576 pixels MPEG2 (Called Full-D1)
704 x 576 pixels MPEG2
352 x 576 pixels MPEG2 (Called Half-D1, same as the CVD Standard)
352 x 288 pixels MPEG2
352 x 288 pixels MPEG1 (Same as the VCD Standard)
25 fps*
16:9 Anamorphic (only supported by 720x576)

48000 Hz
32 - 1536 kbps
Up to 8 audio tracks containing Dolby Digital, DTS, PCM(uncompressed audio), MPEG-1 Layer2. One audio track must have MPEG-1, DD or PCM Audio.

Motion menus, still pictures, up to 32 selectable subtitles, seamless branching for multiple storylines, 9 camera angles. And also additional DVD-ROM / data files that only can be read by computer DVD drives.

Total bitrate including video, audio and subs can be max 10.08 Mbps (10080 kbps)

* Mbps = million bits per second
* kbps = thousand bits per second
* fps = frames per second


Up to 9.8 Mbps* (9800 kbps*) MPEG2 video
Up to 1.856 Mbps (1856 kbps) MPEG1 video
720 x 480 pixels MPEG2 (Called Full-D1)
704 x 480 pixels MPEG2
352 x 480 pixels MPEG2 (Called Half-D1, same as the CVD Standard)
352 x 240 pixels MPEG2
352 x 240 pixels MPEG1 (Same as the VCD Standard)
29,97 fps*
23,976 fps with 3:2 pulldown = 29,97 playback fps (NTSC Film, this is only supported by MPEG2 video)
16:9 Anamorphic (only supported by 720x480)

48000 Hz
32 - 1536 kbps
Up to 8 audio tracks containing DD (Dolby Digital/AC3), DTS, PCM(uncompressed audio), MPEG-1 Layer2. One audio track must have DD or PCM Audio.

Motion menus, still pictures, up to 32 selectable subtitles, seamless branching for multiple storylines, 9 camera angles. And also additional DVD-ROM / data files that only can be read by computer DVD drives.

Total bitrate including video, audio and subs can be max 10.08 Mbps (10080 kbps)

* Mbps = million bits per second
* kbps = thousand bits per second
* fps = frames per second



In the zone
Can anyone tell me the speed of Dvd media u are getting in bombay.I live in kalyan.

I am getting only 2 X Dvd Rw and 8 X Dvd R
in bombay

please tell me cost of DVD media also , if any one knows correct.

Moserband ?
Sony ?
Samsung ?

Also any brand of DVD media have hologram
because many Cd R Brands have holograms.
i dont know about dvd media



Broken In
i have samsung write master

hi dude i have a samsung write master but i get only 8x speed dvds to write 16x not yet availabe in 8x it is taking around 8 mins ................... to burn a full 4.7 gb dvd....


In the zone
I was able to find 4x RW and 8X -R's... India manufacturers significant quantities of DVD media but for export markets only... And it has a bad rep as some of the worst media anyway.. So guess we are better off buying media from other countries.


In the zone
And it has a bad rep as some of the worst media anyway.. So guess we are better off buying media from other countries.

can i purchase sony or moserbear media
which are the brands that india manufacture
because as u told do buy media from other countries so i will avoid media from india, but what are the names .

cant we get DVD RW 8 x

sony helpline told 8 x are out many months before.
Yes DVD RW 8 x
@anispace-DVD-ROM drives spin the disc a lot slower than their CD-ROM counterparts. However, since the data is packed much closer together on DVD discs, the throughput is substantially better than a CD-ROM drive at equivalent spin speed. While a 1x CD-ROM drive has a maximum data rate of only 150 KBps, a 1x DVD-ROM drive can transfer data at 1,250 KBps, which is just over the speed of an 8x CD-ROM drive. Source-pctechguide
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