DVD into a CD

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Another Brick in the Wall
drgrudge tells this to himself.
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"


Just look at the above threads and you will get a fair idea as to how to write.

Also burn as VCD or as a data CD?
Also did you think how a DVD-5 or a DVD-9 fit in a CD?


Ambassador of Buzz
hey hey...the dvd cannot fit into a cd

it can only be used by splitting method that wil take 5 cds
5 -> CDS ? Only if the DVD has abt 3.5 GB data, otherwise in case of 4.5 GB DVD -> atleast 7 CDs and incase of 8.5 GB DVDs... atleast 14 CDs...

Trinity asked if it was possible to " R I P "
a DVD into a CD
So....if the problem is to Fit a Data DVD into a CD... only way isto Split tha DATA in parts to fit Cds.... Then if Trinity Meant To RIP a DVD movie into a CD ..it is quite Possible isn't it ?
As Trinity has mentioned "RIP" I think I will go with the 2nd opinion and Support DRGRUDGE...in his post...
A nice place to acquaint ur self with the process of Ripping wud be


Another Brick in the Wall
Why not ppl? Trinity can RIP a DVD 9 to 700mb .avi/.ogg/.mp4/.rmvb.. I just asked Trinity to search before posting...


and whats this
@drgrudge wrote
drgrudge tells this to himself.
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"
"I will search before I post"

dont be angry man .....these people dont have the time to browse the forum..i think so....


Nokia 7110 to iPhone 5
Try this.... this might help you! *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24069&highlight=dvd
there are two ways..
1. increase the number of CD's
2. decrease the quality.
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