Dual Sim Phone


Right off the assembly line
My dad bought a Dual Sim Phone - LG Gx500...but it proed to be crap....with very slow response time...so am replacing that with a new one....I checked Samsung B7722 ... how is its performance and response time comapred to LG GX500?


With "slow response time" if you mean poor response of the touchscreen, then it is due to resistive touchscreen. In that case getting he Samsung won't solve the issue.

If you need a dual-sim phone, get something low-end such as the Samsung Chat-322.


Check out Samsung B5722.
If you meant touch response, its got capacitive touch(more responsive than resistive on LG and B7722) and cheaper than B7722.
Performance wise, it should be same as the LG one. It seems to be a dual sim corby with led flash. :)
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