Don’t Buy Hdtv Before U Read This

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Cyborg Agent
Great guide. Will help the members to make a perfect decision and know wht to expect..

PS: Has anyone tried the new Airtel dth with their HD display?


Caballero de Real Madrid
Hi Vivek,
Ur old post saved me from buying a full HD LCD & I am now inclined to get a CRT 29" as of now.

why??? ...

This thread is about the misleading info of HDReady...HD other crap terms..that dealers say to ignorant buyers..not a person who knows what to buy.

NOT to buy a FULL HD panel... Nothing can beat a Full HG 1080p LCD ... nothing...

It just uses.. if u like HD gaming... like in consoles or a dual 9800gx2 or a dual gtx280 setups...or the Ati cross fires..u need a full HD panel... yeas 24" from dell is ok... i say ok coz atleast for me..more screen area is a good news..provided i sit atleast 6 feet away from my pc...wireless KBB+Mouse FTW..

U can buy Full HD if u do atleast one things of the following

1. HD gaming.
2. Movie buff... yea dvd rips dont cut..i need a min 720p now... "Jenna looks nice"
3. Watch DTV's.... yeas its it side by side..a difference is there..
4. and oh yea... if u have money...then no issues..even u dont do 1 to 3.. :lol:



Down to Earth
Re: Don’t Buy Hdtv Before U Read This

Thanks a lot Vivek for sharing your findings.

They are really helpful and save us Indian from being cheated by these multinationals.


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
Not mentioning Bump to a year old thread maybe injurious to Forum career. :lol: => Thats what I read in someone's signature.

But nevertheless a nice article for noobs.. :p
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