tHe rEacTioN iS hEaTinG
Well this thing is rotating in my mind for the past several daysI have made 16$ in 10 Days via AD Sense (No fraud click and All user driven clicks).
Now a days each and everyone knows about AD Sense. Even I click on AD's on other sites only under the following cases:
* If the site is providing free services and I gets impressed by their services, so instead of donating them (as I don't have any credit card and verified Paypal Account), I click on their AD's in order to pay tribute for their services.
* In very very exceptional cases, when I think this AD is displaying something that can be helpful to me, than I click on them. Say, if I am on a CAT Blog/Site and the AD's display Free online Tests for CAT 08 and 09 than only I click them.
Apart from the above 2 cases I never click on AD's even when it's displaying WIn 10,000$
So this is mine psychological aspect of clicking AD's. What's your's? Do you gotta same attitude as mine?
If yes than for sure AD Sense/AD Services are less in yield as compared to their launch (when people gets fascinated after seeing a flash based multicolored and eye catching AD's)
Please be free to give out your frank opinions.
U jokin..naa???