Do You believe in Horoscope?

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in your face..
Its turning out to be another misplaced "fight club", but still here goes nothing.
First things first. I am yet to get an explanation as to how are planetary positions responsible for our future. Leave everything aside, just answer this simple question.
I wonder how much you know about great science of astrology.....
I guess i know enough, not to call it science, for one thing and for the other, not to fall for it.
...something which has been unquestioned since 5000 years of established continuation.
Of course the "brainwashed"
Earth as the centre
The Vedic astrologer was aware that nothing in the universe was stationary. It was, therefore, irrelevant to attempt to pick up a fixed point in the sky, and consider the movements of earth and other heavenly bodies in relation to such a point. He, therefore, considered the position and movement of all heavenly bodies in relation to the earth itself, which was his residence. It is no wonder then that Indian astronomy and astrology consider the earth as the centre, and all other heavenly bodies moving around it in one manner or the other. The Indian astronomy is thus geocentric and not heliocentric which latter considers the Sun as the centre. The Indian astronomer does appreciate the Sun to be the centre of the solar system, but he also appreciates that the Sun, the solar system, as well as the stars are all moving. Hence he considered the pole star Dhruva as the point of relative fixity at the centre of heavenly bodies in the galaxy. With such profound appreciation of astronomy, one can'ts attribute ignorance of the earthly movements to the ancient Indian astronomer.
I don't know if i can call this an explanation or a pathetic attempt to justify a mistake, that is still embedded in our system of "horse-crap". The fact remains that if one gets his co-ordinates wrong, whatever the reasons, all calculations, based on it have to go wrong.

Besides, the explanation is just misleading. The ancient world was not aware of earth's rotation. The idea of earth rotating on its axis became prevalent only in and around 500AD. Aryabhatt was one of the first mathematecians to make this calculation. The birth of "horse-crap" was way before that. There is no written evidence, that before Aryabhatt, any indian even thought of earth as a rotating object. In fact there is evidence, that in those days it was believed that earth was not only the centre of univers, it was static and everything else revolved around it.

One more thing, please don't give links to these, utter crap web sites. All they do is spread rumours, lies, half-truths and nothing else.


nix said:
nopes, i dont believe in al that vastu and horoscope stuffs...i believe that i am what i am because of me and me alone.
why , i wanted to post this thing and someone other posts


Horoscope is a bunch of bullcrap founded by inconfident losers who can't stand on their own and need someone to tell them what to do next. Tell them they are gonna be dead tomorrow and they'll kill themselves.


Indian by heart
^^ Yes! you are right and that is how we stand being one of the oldest surviving culture.
Horoscope is a bunch of bullcrap founded by inconfident losers who can't stand on their own and need someone to tell them what to do next. Tell them they are gonna be dead tomorrow and they'll kill themselves.

@Karnivore i laugh on your pity understanding of vedas. Vedas were written much before 500AD and clearly depicted are the color of planets and the ring of saturn. What I intend to tell you that people who were aware of these things were not simply dumb.
Problem with many others including you is that you people dont simply try to explore. Fascinated by modern science and motivated by the presumptions and flat comparisons many of you simply try to disprove something that you dont even have any understanding of. The weblink given by me is enough to deal with the topic under discussion. I dont think there is any point to continue the debate with this attitude.
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in your face..
planetcall said:
@Karnivore i laugh on your pity understanding of vedas. Vedas were written much before 500AD and clearly depicted are the color of planets and the ring of saturn. What I intend to tell you that people who were aware of these things were not simply dumb.
Problem with many others including you is that you people dont simply try to explore. Fascinated by modern science and motivated by the presumptions and flat comparisons many of you simply try to disprove something that you dont even have any understanding of. The weblink given by me is enough to deal with the topic under discussion. I dont think there is any point to continue the debate with this attitude.
"Vedas". Good xcuse. Say whatever u hav to say and then just mention it is in "Vedas". Baaaas. It will become sacrosanct. The Holy Cow, that can't be slaughtered. 99% of us have never read Vedas, and of those who have, 99% misinterpret, largely because of the ancient sanskrit, and partly because they want to misinterpret. So there u go. U hav a nice excuse.

Anyway, i am not disputing things that could hav been observed with naked eyes. It is evident that during those days astronomy was limited to night-sky watching and was not into complicated maths. But what about EARTH'S ROTATION. I would luv to know, which branch of Vedas speaks of earth's rotation.

Oh i almost forgot. What about that question i asked earlier.
How can planetary positions tell our future.
Next time u post, first answer this cute little question.
^ Same way they tell us about our past............... being a science student i also had the same viewpoint as u ppl .....and used to discard such ideas as crap ............ but hamare HINDI me ek kahavat hoti hai " Pratyaksh ko Pramaan Ki zarurat nahi hoti " ......... i dnt knw how they do it but i have met several astrologers (not the fake ones, they dnt do it for business.. just as a hobby...the likes of a High School Teacher, A Social worker running a NGO, a businessman etc....) and wat they told me bout my past or about others only on the basis of their calculations boggled my mind ... i tested them again for future predictions and they were damn right all the time...........i dnt how they do it .......but they do it consistently .. so no reason left for me not to believe them ......... and there are several others questions too for which SCIENCE has no answers or solid explanation. So u believe in science na ..... so answer my question .........

What is life in a living being .....means wats the source of energy that runs a living body .... and wat happens to that source after the death of that body ..........



History of Naadi Shastra
The origins of the Naadi Shastra (energy-channel treatises) are shrouded in the mists of time. This marvellous system of prediction has been used to give reliable guidance for many centuries: knowledge about ourselves (past and future), our relationships and our destinies. Research shows that this system has been in use for at least 4000 years, since the treatises were first written (on palm leaf scrolls) in Sanscrit, the predominant language of ancient India. The original transmission was by oral means, before the committal of the texts to writing. The shastras are believed to have been first composed long ago by the Sapta Rishis (seven sages) -- Agasthya, Kausika, Vyasa, Bohar, Bhrigu, Vasishtha and Valmiki.

Tanjore The primary centre for Naadi Shastra is in Vaitheeswarankoil, near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, a state in South India. Here Lord Shiva is said to have assumed the role of a vaidhya (a doctor), who alleviated the miseries of his devotees. Until the 1930's, Naadi remained an ancient legacy, hardly used or even comprehended by the majority of Hindu Astrologers.

The preservation of the Naadi palm leaves and the translation from Sanskrit into the Tamil language was undertaken on a large scale during the regime of the Kings of Tanjore (9th-13th Century AD). When the leaves started disintegrating with age, the Tanjore rulers appointed scholars to rewrite them on fresh ola (palm leaves). Some of the Naadi Granthas were also translated into another South Indian language, Telugu. The Maratha king Sarabhoji and the Chola kings patronized these translations.

When the British left India they took with them some of the ancient manuscripts and texts delving into Alchemy, Ayurveda, and Rasayan, while those pertaining to occult sciences were left behind and auctioned. The Valluvar community, who specialized in Astrology at the time, bought these palm leaves and made Naadi reading their hereditary profession and means of livelihood.

Each Naadi is made up of a particular ola or palm leaf, written in vatta ezathu, Tamil script, with a sharp, nail-like instrument called ezuthani. The palm leaves are preserved by rubbing peacock oil on auspicious occasions. These palm leaves are still preserved in the Saravasti Mahal library of Tanjore, in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

The predictions in the Naadis are in a commentary form, though in Shiva Naadi these predictions are presented as conversations between Lord Shiva and Mata Parvathi, expressing concern for and blessings on their devotees.

The Granthas are a set of highly organised manuscripts divided into sixteen chapters or kandams. These Kandams serialize the various aspects of materialistic and spiritual life of an individual such as family, marriage, profession, wealth , luck etc.

More points to DEBATE OVER :D


in your face..
harryneopotter said:
^ Same way they tell us about our past............... being a science student i also had the same viewpoint as u ppl .....and used to discard such ideas as crap ............ but hamare HINDI me ek kahavat hoti hai " Pratyaksh ko Pramaan Ki zarurat nahi hoti " ......... i dnt knw how they do it but i have met several astrologers (not the fake ones, they dnt do it for business.. just as a hobby...the likes of a High School Teacher, A Social worker running a NGO, a businessman etc....) and wat they told me bout my past or about others only on the basis of their calculations boggled my mind ... i tested them again for future predictions and they were damn right all the time...........i dnt how they do it .......but they do it consistently ..
Thats what i said in post #9
What astrology attempts to do, can be done with any random set of events, astronomy has nothing to do with it. In fact the use of astronomy for this bull$hit is nothing but a subtle ruse, to give it a scientific spin.
The art is entirely "probabilistic". Anything can be taken as basis for that. Not just planetary positions. e.g Numerology where the basis is "numbers" or Palmistry, where the basis is the skin folds on our palms etc. All these work within the same set-up. Only the executions are different. Of all the three branches, i find astrology, to use the maximum set of variables.

The problem with probabilistic set-up is that backward-pass is not possible. Its one thing to draw a 12-house chart and predict future and it is entirely other to predict the 12-house chart of a person by studying his/her life. Like u can always make 2 + 2 = 4. But u can never say, that 4 is the sum of two 2s or it is 5 -1.

Also, to be able to predict the future, there has to be a silent assumption of a "deterministic" world. Which is virtually impossible in reality. QM, although, strictly restricted to the sub-atomic level, is the living, breathing proof of it.

What is life in a living being...
No science cannot define a "life", at least in terms of a set of equations, if thats what u want to know.
...wats the source of energy that runs a living body
I can quite well guess what u r trying to get at. Anyway, the source of energy is nutritions and various other elements in nature e.g. oxygen.
..wat happens to that source after the death of that body
Nothing. The body decays and goes back to the nature, (Law of conservation of Energy) Nature remains where it is.


planetcall said:
^^ Yes! you are right and that is how we stand being one of the oldest surviving culture. To reply, your signature says it all

Oh my! Are you out of your mind? I don't even know you and wasn't making any personal remarks at you. Infact I didn't read your post because I don't care single **** about horoscope and wouldn't waste my time reading on it. You have a problem with people who dojn't believe in future prediction? Have you taken a vow that you'll be rude to every person who doesn't think like you?

How the f*** does it even relate to our culture? Future prediction exists in every culture from Chinese to American. I was talking about it in general.

And just to clear it, my signature is one of the most famous dialogues from the greatest movie ever made (Pulp Fiction). You of course wouldn't know about it because you are so orthodox that you probably hate english movies or rather fail to understand them. Cussing is bad, right? Because your mom taught you so when you were 5? Sheesh, I should learn to control myself but some people are just impossible. You go ahead minding your own business, posting your own thinking and someone takes it very personally as if he invented Astrology and you molested his future child.
Horoscope and everything is similar to all the other kinds of crap practised around the world, one which most of might be aware "psychics".

Dudes, wake up. Just becuase someone guesses 10% right of what happens in your life doesn't mean he/she can tell your future. Hope you guys watched that show on discovery about 5years ago in which they showed how all this bull crap works. I am telling you, it all a guess work. It's the human tendency to believe the entire thing if 1 or 2 things are right because we always have a tendency to look at the right and forget the wrong completely.

If all this crap was ever right, then why the hell isn't the whole world taking advice from psychics and people who read horoscopes. Because they know it doesn't work. So the next time you go to get your horoscpes read, please right down what ever the person says, go home and differentiate what was right and what was wrong, and I can tell you that it is going to wrong by over 70%. And please, when you go, dont' wear your normal attire and go like the thread on your wrist or a costly watch or a professional formal attire or anything. It's all part of the guess work. Dress up like you never did and go for getting your horoscope read, lol.. then you can see what happens. If you still want to believe in this crap, it's up to you, coz only crappy people believe in crap and it's very hard to change thier crappy assumptions.

@planetcall: I thought fanboys existed only for softwares and hardware. I didn't know that there where horoscope fanboys!! :D


The Lord of Death
^I believe that horoscope is crap, and that religions are crappier. But why blame those who believe in stars and spare the believers in an invisible entity? At least, horoscope fans don't go around beheading people or exploding themselves to kill innocents.

People cannot survive without a strong belief. I would rather have a horse-crap believer by me than a religious fundamentalist.


Resident Fanatic
Yamaraj said:
^I believe that horoscope is crap, and that religions are crappier. But why blame those who believe in stars and spare the believers in an invisible entity? At least, horoscope fans don't go around beheading people or exploding themselves to kill innocents.

People cannot survive without a strong belief. I would rather have a horse-crap believer by me than a religious fundamentalist.

Well said
Yamaraj said:
^I believe that horoscope is crap, and that religions are crappier. But why blame those who believe in stars and spare the believers in an invisible entity? At least, horoscope fans don't go around beheading people or exploding themselves to kill innocents.

People cannot survive without a strong belief. I would rather have a horse-crap believer by me than a religious fundamentalist.

Why are you pointing to me and speaking about religion? Did I say a word about religion? why are you bringing religion into this? I don't know why in many threads, you bring in something that is not releated at all and put up your assumptions!

lol.. you have a hindu mythical character name and you say you hate religion?


The Lord of Death
Help~Is~Here said:
Why are you pointing to me and speaking about religion? Did I say a word about religion? why are you bringing religion into this? I don't know why in many threads, you bring in something that is not releated at all and put up your assumptions!
a. Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
b. A comparison based on such similarity.

Help~Is~Here said:
lol.. you have a hindu mythical character name and you say you hate religion?
Yes, and I don't keep a stock of virgins with me either.
Yamaraj said:
a. Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
b. A comparison based on such similarity.

Yes, and I don't keep a stock of virgins with me either.

:D :D :D :D .... lol.. Now this guy is trying to teach us all what Anal-ogy is!... lol.... rofl....:D :D

This is what I said. Completely irrelavant answers that you give man..


The Lord of Death
Help~Is~Here said:
:D :D :D :D .... lol.. Now this guy is trying to teach us all what Anal-ogy is!... lol.... rofl....:D :D
Who's "us"? It is just you.
Help~Is~Here said:
This is what I said. Completely irrelavant answers that you give man..
If you cannot comprehend simple analogies it's not my problem, is it? Believing in a superficial god that has never been seen, but yet known to control everything, and still ridiculing those who believe in stars is only a pathetic attempt at hypocrisy.

It's as if a Coca-Cola fan started making fun of a Pepsi fan for taking soft-drinks. A simple analogy for you. There!
Yamaraj said:
Who's "us"? It is just you.

If you cannot comprehend simple analogies it's not my problem, is it? Believing in a superficial god that has never been seen, but yet known to control everything, and still ridiculing those who believe in stars is only a pathetic attempt at hypocrisy.

It's as if a Coca-Cola fan started making fun of a Pepsi fan for taking soft-drinks. A simple analogy for you. There!

You and your anal-ogies and assumptions. Like I ever said that I believe in god and redicule stars. Go get your Anal-ogy done man:D


The Lord of Death
Help~Is~Here said:
You and your anal-ogies and assumptions. Like I ever said that I believe in god and redicule stars. Go get your Anal-ogy done man:D
Anal-yzing others is my hobby.
Anyway, this thread is way off track to be interesting now.


A very old pandit made my janam patri at the time of my birth and listed that I was not manglik. A new pandit who makes janam patri using the "kundli" software recently told my mom that I am a manglik. This is sh1tty. Although I dont believe in this manglik thing but I dont think that anything changed in me.:(
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