I have just completed my 1st season and here's my experience so far:-
1. Graphics wise pretty good, although quite a few glitches are there, some of them unpardonable:-
- Water splashes have no effect on the car.
- Along the same line, static water droplets on the car. I mean really, this is 2011 graphics, right?

- Trees are still static, only the grass and bushes sway in air.

- Trees are ugly and looks like DX 8.1.
- Since the first Dirt, the dust build-up behind the car is muted compared to CMR series.
- Tessellation effects are not that good.
- Color palette is darker compared to Dirt 2.
- Terrain deformation is not great and plays no part in the drivability of the car. Remember Sega Rally?
- Water splashes are poorly rendered compared to Dirt 2.
Otherwise textures are really good, lightning effects are awesome, and a snowy Aspen under lights looks like a dream.
2. Car handling is good and feel more rally-like compared to previous versions. Damage model has gone for a toss since Dirt and this game is no different.
3. Gymkhana mode immediately reminds me of NFS UG, a game I couldn't finish because of the drift races. Frankly speaking, I hate drifts etc. and it feels like Gymkhana mode might be a HUGE stumbling block in completing the game.
So overall, a pretty solid racer, still miles ahead than any NFS/Shift games IMO, but Codies are basically selling the same old wine in a new bottle every year. The rallying part has improved, but Gymkhana mode is a hit or miss affair. And the improvements, if any, over previous versions, is very thin in the air.