If you are talking about the PS3 thing, I have proved it beyond doubt and I don't need to prove it anymore to you. Any more of your disapproval is your ignorance and not my problem or fault.
For others who thing I am crapping this thread is not seeing what is happening. All I said in the begenning was nothing but the desperate and kiddish way he was expressing his concern. And another newbie just thought I was crapping around and he started asking me to go to my mama when it was him who needed to.
Anyways, I'm not giong to waste my time trying to argue about it.
I completely acknowledge and agree with what he has said about DX10 cards. But one needs to understand that the whole thing in the computer world is about making money. Look at the frequency in which the new and so called updated cards are coming out at!! Even before you know, 3 months down the line, your card is outdated. The mass marketing by the companies on the very little or no performance improvement seems like a big thing for all of us. But never to forget that it's we consumers who's inability to understand that there isn't a need to constantly upgrade as we ourselves are feeding the companies with money and assuring the companies that even if they come out with another card that is sligtly better then we will buy it. In short, we can't complain, it's because of us that companies come out constantly with new cards with hardly any performance improvement. If the card manufacturers know that they can do better, then they should wait, develop a card fully and far superior to the existing one and release them at specific intervals and not every 4th week. You don't need an 8800GTS to play todays games at it's best. A 7600Gt or 7950 will work equally or much beautiful than the 8800GTS taking all the games on an average and not look at couple of specific games!!
However, speaking of DX10. It's a new technology and just because card that support DX10 is already available doesn't mean games are any better. Games will take time to adapt to the unified shader architecture. One more reason for game developers to not go in for DX10 instantly is because of the mass use of DX9. Only a very small percentage has upgraded to DX10 based cards and making games work specifically better for the DX10 means that it will not work on DX9 and game developers are not willing to take that gamble right now. So, it's going to take time before it's potential is realized.
No companies are forcing you to buy better cards, it's upto you as a consumer to realise which is better and buy it for yourself and not complain about the company because of your misjudgement! People make money by selling lot of things, it always upto you to decide whether to get conned or not. The only thing that ticked me off was the way in which you took it real personal and was complaining as if the company conned you. All these facts are very well known by most of the people.. it's not something new.
As with regards to the PS3. It's very easy easy to overlook the achievement in the difference of architecture and development. The PS3 has not been upgraded a million times and no one is again forcing you to keep on upgrading it. It's here to stay and game developers will have enough time to create games that will work well with this platform unlike PC where even before developers perfect software/games for a new technology another new technology comes out and they try to develop on that platform and everything is left half baked and you get nothing. The very example is the 64bit computing. Technology entusiasm didn't stay long around 64 bit as the new dual core technologies overshadowed it and developers hardly bother to go 64 bit all out!! But the technology is advanced and promising. It's just PC hardware companies that keep pushing out this technology like they didn't know it was coming and as if they got it like a thunder bolt from the sky who is making all the money.
No technology is developed overnight and even when companies like Nvidia know that they will be releasing a card with a better technology which they are already working on, yet they release another card with the current technology under a different model no. to sell more cards!!
Moral of the story: Do your own reaserch before buying things because there is no point in blaming the companies because of the midjudgement on your part.