Addendum: User Reputations
A member's reputation on the forum is an indication of how much they are respected by their fellow members.
To give feedback about a post, use the "Add to {member}'s reputation" button on the top-right of a post. You can either approve or disapprove a post, as the case may be.
As you get more positive comments, your Reputation Power will increase - meaning that you can add/subtract more points from another member's reputation. The converse is true for negative comments.
Rules for Use
The Reputation System is meant for feedback and constructive criticism, and not to flame members. Please make sure you add a comment stating why you are adding to/subtracting from a member's reputation.
Deliberately using this system to make significant changes to someone else's reputation (I-rep-you-you-rep-me, I-hate-him-so-I'll-negative-rep etc.) will be counted as abuse and members participating in such activity will face a 7 day ban (at least) and heaps of negative reputation points from the moderators and admins.
Please do not create new threads if you have problems with the Reputation System. If you feel that you have received an unfair reputation comment, or do not want to participate in the reputation system at all, contact the site admins.