Digit.in Great Indian Laptop Survey

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The Dark Lord
Staff member
Hey all,

Please take this survey and help us send brands the right message about what you guys want from the various brands.

Take the Great Indian Laptop Survey now

Please also share with friends and on social networks.


Hey all,

Please take this survey and help us send brands the right message about what you guys want from the various brands.

Take the Great Indian Laptop Survey now

Please also share with friends and on social networks.
Done. Hope this gets us better laptops at sane prices in India (and not those laptops with low end crap "4GB" GPU being labelled as "gaming laptops" listed above 40k)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Not likely but if this get us even 3+ years warranty at reasonable rates(aka under 1k) for these "gaming laptops"/40k+ laptops then I would consider it a success.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Laptops in India will never get the same config at same price as those in US simply because of high import duties which are unlikely to be reduced any time in near future.At least they can give us extended warranties for longer duration to offset the inflated price we pay.


Computer Addict
The main revenue for laptops are spares. I got my keyboard replace for 3.5 k. I mean, it's not made of gold after all.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Just filled up the survey. Not sure if it matters anymore
Lol. Of course it doesn't matter anymore. It was for a previous article in the magazine.
For any future article, I think digit staff will create a new survey.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Do you have a link for the article?
I will have to look for it. Will do in home at night. Meanwhile if anyone else can find it, that would be great.

Edit: Most prolly it should be for December 2017 edition. Or Jan 2018.
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