
It's not exactly stealth-based. DXHR originally, was more rewarding to those who played silent assassin. Combat was not satisfactory, thanks to budget constraints(answer to all of HR's problems, they just didn't have the money and had to cut much of it out). Now hopefully Square Enix have gained their senses and told EMontreal to go nuts. Iam sure the new game will be equally rewarding to stealth, action, and social skills.

As for Director's Cut, my suggestion is to wait till the game release nears, then pop it in and play through. Better boss-fights, Missing link DLC, Director's commentary, better optimised graphics. You'll be seriously pumped for DXMD. It's what I am gonna do :-D

New wallpaper...Angry Badass Jensen:


P.S: Did you guys know that DXHR had a whole level set in Bangalore? They had to cut it out, because they were out of capital to complete the level. They modified it into the chinese Hengsha city.

Yeah thats what i felt. Direct combat was unforgivingly tough with little or no reward, to a point when i felt that the game is not meant to be played that way. The game gives you like... unlimited number of ways you can do a mission, depending on your augments... direct action being one of them... but it just wasnt rewarding enough to go gung ho. There were hardly any drops or ammo to justify the huge number of bullets needed to clear a level. That 'silent assassin' type has so many variations in itself.. It was amazing. :) It has amazing replay value too as so many doors will open for you just by tweaking different augmentations.

A layered Bangalore city!!! :O Boy they think too highly of our Indian cities!!! Good for us! :D lol

I will play it again as Director's Cut as you said.. when the next game comes out. It would be perfect timing.. Thanks. :)


I am a cat
I am liking the lore of Deus Ex.

In the trailer you see that people with visible augmentations are treated as outcasts then
cut back to 1st Deus Ex of JC Denton,we have nano augmentations.


Augmented Nerd
So Why do people get augmented in Deus Ex world anyway??

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is our latest cover story, and the Human Revolution sequel explores what Eidos Montrel dubs "the mechanical apartheid." The studio says that players can go into the game without any prior knowledge of the series. That may be, but it never hurts to have a little background knowledge. Today, we're going to explore what's at the core of the game's central conflict – augmentations.

The term (often shortened to "augs") are used to describe a wide array of technologically advanced implants in Deus Ex’s world. Their use is also quite polarizing. Knowing that, why on earth would anyone undergo such risky operations? The explanation is complicated and tragic.

During Human Revolution’s story, Adam Jensen worked for a company called Sarif Industries, which was on the forefront of manufacturing these sophisticated Augmentations. If you played it, you might recall incidental conversations between NPCs discussing the augs. In one, a business professional remarks to another that he’s tired of getting passed up for promotions, and that he’s considering a neural upgrade to make himself more competitive. Other upgrades are more overt, such as the limb replacements Jensen received following a terrorist attack.

These augs became yet another sign of the haves versus the have-nots, particularly in cases where the wealthy indulged in completely optional (and expensive) upgrades. But that’s not the entire story. Many of the first wave of aug recipients were wounded military veterans returning home from battle. These augmentations, which included limb replacements and more, were given government stipends to help subsidize the treatments. Others took advantage of incentives that took advantage of the augmented, too.

“Sariff Industries had a plan that you could get augmented, but it’s almost like indentured servitude at that point,” says Mary DeMarle, Deus Ex’s narrative director. Afterward, some recipients realized that these implants gave them an advantage over their biologically pure counterparts. “We were having this new class emerge and they were getting more wealthy because they could do the jobs.”

That changed in the aug incident, where augmented people were temporarily hijacked to participate in acts of terrorism. You can read more about that incident, as well as the Illuminati’s part in the disaster here. Afterward, augmented people were seen as dangerous and were routinely rounded up and forced to live in prison camps, such as the one in Prague where Mankind Divided's early moments are set.

“A lot of people in there were people who had no choice or they were correcting a defect,” DeMarle says. “They weren’t trying to become superhuman, they were just trying to live their lives. Those are some of the worst tragedies in this kind of a universe. Here are people who had to have a heart replacement, and suddenly the aug incident happens. Maybe they actually went crazy and did stuff that they can’t necessarily live with themselves today. Maybe they were lucky and that didn’t happen, but because they had this life-saving surgery, they’re being forced to be outcasts and shunned.

“Some of the people in there, too, are not augmented. Okay, say I was married [to an augmented person], and he’s being sent there. I’m going to go with him. It isn’t just the augmented, but even with that it adds an interesting layer. The augmented who are there may also look upon their spouses as, ‘You don’t understand this.’”

It's unsettling to think that so many of the people who became augmented didn't have a say in the matter, whether they were in car accidents, injured during a war, or were born with congenital conditions. There are millions of augmented people in Deus Ex's world, but they're less than 10 percent of the total population. Will Jensen be able to give those people a voice? Do they actually deserve one, considering the aug incident? The truth may be complicated, but you can be sure that Jensen will do his best to uncover it.
-via Gameinformer.

Basically why people get cosmetic surgeries and liposuctions. Only here, if you don't get augmented you won't get a job. Yeah.


Augmented Nerd

The gameplay footage shows the new cover system, new energy system, Icarus Dash ability, remote hacking, charged weapons and weapon mods, among others. The UI interface in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will be extensively customizable, more so than the one in Human Revolution, allowing players to alter both gameplay and aesthetics elements. Eidos Montreal also confirms the inclusion of a new game plus mode for the latest iteration in the Deus Ex franchise. The game will offer a balance between stealth and combat allowing the player to fully adapt their approach to their preference. Inventory management will be making a comeback, and so are choices and consequences, which will be greatly enhanced this time around.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will release for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on February 23, 2016. The title will use the new Dawn Engine and have support for DirectX 12 and AMD’s TressFX 3.0.


Wise Old Owl
Why are all publishers making live action videos now? Trying to appeal to mass market? Game trailers were about the rendered graphics.


Why are all publishers making live action videos now? Trying to appeal to mass market? Game trailers were about the rendered graphics.

True,i find them rather annoying too.Especially when it comes to a game like Deus ex-they should consider showing actual gameplay footage rather than pre-rendered/live-action scenes in these trailers.I've observed when a game tends to have too many live action videos for its trailers,the actual gameplay turns out to be kind of disappointing or boring.I really loved the original Deus Ex but didn't quite find the same level of innovation or depth in the gameplay of its sequels(including that of DE:human revolution)-lets hope that won't be the case with DE:MD and that it won't be as lackluster as its predecessor in the visuals department.


Augmented Nerd
If you place your pre-order in India via Games the Shop then you can be one of the three lucky customers to walk away with a Siberia 200 Gaming Headset as well as an official 'Adam Jensen' themed t-shirt.
The game is slated to release on 23rd August and aside from the prizes, each pre-order for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will include an exclusive Deus Ex: Mankind Divided t-shirt. The Standard Edition of the game is available for INR 3,499 on the PS4 and Xbone, while it's priced at INR 999 for PC. The Steelbook Edition will set you back INR 3,999 on consoles and INR 1,999 on PC. The Collector's Edition is priced at INR 9,999 for PS4 and Xbone; PC players can pick up the Collector's Edition for INR 8,999.


To pre-order Deus Ex: Mankind Divided you can click here.


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