Debian "Lenny"

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Evil Genius

Simple question: I want to download the "testing" version of Debian 4.0 which is called "Lenny". I want the DVD ISO image which contains all the packages and not a minimal install CD or anything like that.

I'd love it if someone could point me to the correct ISO file for this.

I went to the Debian website, but there they have a list of ftp/http servers, among which there are 3 different DVD ISO files, of which I dunno which is the correct one to download, or whether I'm meant to download all 3!!

Can someone sort this out for me please?

Edit: If I DO need to get all 3 DVDs for a complete installation, can someone please tell me whether I can buy these somewhere in Bangalore?? I don't have credit card...:(


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Debian Sid

Debian Sid(unstable repo) user here.I apt-pinned Lenny+experimental to get latest bleeding-edge software in Debian.
There is no need to go with 16 cd's and 3 DVD's!that's a full bkup of debian main repo!
if u want really,
A good selection Lenny is :) and there are lot of Linux DVD vendors in B'lore,right?
there is this ,[SIZE=-1] etc.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Another Option is Bangalore LUG.

[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]I think what is better is to try a minimal live cd and install ur fav packages to get Lenny lean and fast.there are backports for kde(Gnome version already there in main repo) etc available.will post my sources.list later if u want.
and remember Debian is a little tougher for some people.

Live cd resources.mostly debian etch,but u can upgrade to Lenny easy.
or make ur own live cd!
Another option which i used to install was debian net install iso CD/DVD.

Edit: and u seems to be inclined to kde DE,then go for Sidux,its a Debian Sid+kanotix and a full kde distro :D
sidux is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, Debian's most modern branch (called "Sid") and many free and open source applications.
^ is equal to debian linux with kde de.
If you want GNOME,you can apt-get it later.for Gnome users, debian direct is better though.

and dont forget [SIZE=-1]* and [/SIZE]
Debian GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
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Evil Genius
Whoo...Debian Etch 4.0R0 costs 1000 Rs at Linux Bazaar!! :O I may as well just let it download for a month...

Hmm...the main reason I was downloading the 3 DVD edition is because I have no internet on my Linux machine, as you may be knowing from past threads on the subject. I thought if I got everything in one shot, then installing would be a breeze!!

But 3 DVDs is 12 Gigs...and I thought Sabayon was big...

SIDUX you say?? Hmm...


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^ then no doubt get sidux downloaded,IN bengalooru-go to any major netcafe to get it downloaded in haf an hour and u gonna attain nirvana as with kde. ;)
remember Debian child distros all these are-sidux or ubuntu or mepis or.

And do read this one :
Debian as a desktop system-A good alternative to Ubuntu
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Evil Genius
Hmm...Sidux Tartaros Live CD is downloading right it easy to install Multimedia support, Beryl & KDevelop with Sidux?


Evil Genius
I've downloaded Sidux and tried to install it to harddrive...but it comes up to the point where it says formatting partition, and then just hangs. I even left it on overnight thinking it was really slow and a full format or something, but it was still the same in the morning.

Help me fix it!!


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Afaik Sidux uses CLI debian shud automatically detect ur hdd.I think when the installer hangs,u can go to any tty(ctrl+alt+f1 to f6) and modprobe needed module.
you can see the error by ctrl+alt+f12 iirc while installer the error here.
do post ur hardware details.esp mobo


Evil Genius

Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
256 MB ATi Radeon X1650
Asus P5B Motherboard
Western Digital -> 300 GB SATA (sda) & 160 GB SATA (sdb)

I have windows installed on sda1 & sabayon on sda5. sda6 is my swap partition.

I have a 30 GB empty sdb5 partition which I wanted to format to ext3 and install SIDUX on. Only, it comes to the formatting stage and does nothing. BTW, I got sick of it so I quit installer and then booted up Windows, and the partition wasn't was still NTFS after like 7 hours of leaving it on.

@praka: what text installer? dude, sidux has a graphical installer on the live cd desktop...thats the one I used...


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if the installer fails to format and make partitions,if u got some other distro installed on ur hdd,use gparted to format and make partitions for sidux "/" root .then try to install sidux .
problem for the installer is it is not detecting ur different harddisks.
edit:even better their site explains the partitioning while in live cd?


Evil Genius
Hmm...the installer was not detecting my sdb hard drive, so I typed in sdb5 manually to select the partition.

I guess this didn't take.

Okay, I'm going to go through the link you gave me and see about installing sidux on my computer one more time. Uh, one more doubt I have though: how to install Sidux without overwriting my current grub.conf file in Sabayon?? I want to ideally install Sidux and then add in the grub entries for Sidux manually.


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I have to try sidux to get to know where installer fails.but @faraaz,when u got the installer failing to detect disks,press ctrl+alt+f12 may be will get error messages.
Also if ur in a full live-cd environment,u can post here,the output of /var/log/messages or attach it to *

sidux will ask whether to install grub or not to install.
Still isnt there any way to install it via text mode-it will be better as it may use Debian installer.
btwn a review:
and for proprietory formats support after installation,

@faraaz:it seems u can upgrade ur debian based distro to Sidux
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Evil Genius
Hi, Sidux doesn't have a CLI interface, atleast that I can see from inside the Live CD. Okay, my Sabayon was acting up I've decided to go cold turkey. I'm going to be formatting my sda5 & re-installing it with Sidux. I'v still got my Windows partition in case of emergency.

Thanks for the links!! If I have any problems, I'll get back to you.
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