Dark Souls III


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
You guys seen this?

Same guy who made this will release another episode covering the optional areas and DLCs. The trailer is here:



Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
This steam review: Steam Community :: Scischm :: Review for DARK SOULS™ III

So, having played the other souls games to death, I decided I'd challenge myself and roll up a deprived build.

Being the lazy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that I am, I decided that I wasn't going to get any new weapons or armor after I picked a set I liked.

Now let me tell you guys.... I was wearing the rags from the uchigatana master, and the sages hat.... I was wielding the starting club, and grass crest shield.

I played the game to the best of my ability, and I played the whole thing solo. I was having a ton of fun.

The enemies were faster than all the other games, but I could demon souls roll now.... none of their attacks mattered so long as I "Got gud". And gud I was... for I had played the others.

Now somewhere in my head I had this crazy idea that no one would think of normally in dks1. "What if I go raw on my club for max physical without ever having to put a point in my str or dex?". I was thinking in my head, the scaling would be horrible, the damage wouldn't last, I would die before I killed anything.

I went on to beat every boss with that ♥♥♥♥♥♥ little raw club, without help from summons, NPC or otherwise. Since I had no need for my souls I dumped them all into health and stamina.

My friends and I got the game at the same time, and I was the first to finish. Not only that, when they had complained about certain areas that were built to exploit the weakness of their builds, I had powered through them. When they had mentioned some annoying bosses, I had beat them on my first try.

My faith in Miyazaki had carried me through. I learned that through my self imposed suffering that I had found the perfect PVE build. Everything else in the game was put in, with its promises of power if only I would stray from my path.... from my God Miyazaki's teachings. I denied them all and was rewarded.

(PS the club is ♥♥♥♥ for pvp, don't even bother. I still pwnt people tho b/c they were scrubs.)

Once I had completed this journey and basked in the immense euphoria of beating a souls game with a club basically naked. I had something in my inventory.... a certain greatsword from a certain prince with C, D, D, D scaling in the four main stats.

I knew what I must do. I pumped every point henceforth into those four stats while still in rags and that overly gigantic hat. I went on to rip entire thirds and fourths off of boss healthbars in new game +.

For everyone who gives a bad review because something that was once the right way has been changed, you must change. You must embrace Miyazaki and cast aside your worldly desires for defense, poise, damage, range. You must cast aside your shield, you must cast aside everything that you believe to be a reasonable choice against an army of monsters and use your faith in Miyazaki as a weapon. (And not a faith build, club > lightningbolts.)

I have seen the light, and I have been rewarded. You can experience unbridled bliss and joy, by ascending to paradise.

When I arrived, it all faded to black as that last ember slowly died. Through the deafening silence, only two words filled my mind. Two words described what had happened. Why I had succeeded and where others had failed. Two words that described my journey. Two words that embodied my faith in Miyazaki. Two words I had lived by since I first played, even kings field and evergrace! TWO WORDS RANG THROUGH MY MIND OVER AND OVER!

I had broken down into tears because I had found the answer and stayed true over all these years...

And I will tell you what they said to me...

"Git gud."


I couldnt find the DS 1 / DS 1 : Remastered thread so Im posting it here.

Can anyone lend me the armor set of that female NPC (one of the 4 knights of Gwyn) whom we meet after defeating Artorias at his arena ?
I actually gave the soul to her when she asked me too coz I was not planning to use that Artorias sword but I didnt know about the armor which we can get if we kill her.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
DS1 thread, also used for DSR: Dark Souls PC

I think your best bet would be to kill her in the next play through.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Yes. All DLCs are good. Especially Ringed City.

Painted World of Ariandel is kinda short but still not bad.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
No, it integrates seamlessly with your game. If you finished Ashes of ariandel, there will be a new bonfire that will take you to the Ringed City DLC starting area. The same bonfire also appears in the Kiln Of The First Flame area shortly before the final boss of the vanilla game.

Edit: But yeah, if you just started NG+, then you will have to make some progress before you get to the location where you can enter the DLCs.



What about DS2 ? Is it worth buying ? I heard that it doesnt connects the prequel and sequel that tightly, storywise.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
There is no relation between the stories, at least not much. DS2 is by far the hardest Dark Souls IMO, also the longest.


There is no relation between the stories, at least not much. DS2 is by far the hardest Dark Souls IMO, also the longest.
What No ? I felt its the easiest.
You have lifegems that can heal you despite of how many estus flasks you carry. That IMO is a big advantage over other DSes
DS3's netcode for PVP is top notch but I feel DS2's PVP was great. It was much more varied than DS3. In DS3 everyone ran around with either a UGS type weapon and played defensively or used a dagger fast weapon to counter a UGS.
Very rarely I saw people using twin swords or spears or Curved swords.
DS2 was nothing like this, I myself loved the stone twinblade. A very off meta weapon, just because how it looked.
And the santier's spear ! Twinblade + Halberd + Spear in one weapon


Keeping PvP aside, is the world/ story good enough to glue the player, Like in DS1 / DS3? I dont even know if its the same world as shown in DS1/DS3


It is the same world, there are broken structures and subtle references to lordran.
You have to consider, time is not consistent in Dark Souls universe.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Storywise I personally think DS1 > DS3 > DS2. DS2 is not bad but too many details and too complicated.
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