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Rapacious eBayer
Well, then how would you explain this? :)
TD's code is rigged.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
is a 12 y.o. fertile enug to get a 14 y.o. u noe??
I dun understand at all!!

And man those 2 have guts!


a.k.a VipER
Yeah, i read it today in the newspaper. I was wondering if this would have happened here in India, the boy, the girl and the baby would have been killed long ago right guys? :0

"saali kalmoohi mooh kala karke ayi hai and all" lol.

I'm 23 and i still don't want to think about having babies with my gf 5-8 yrs down the line. =p


WTF !!

wonder how the Ram/Shiv/any_other 'culture abiding' sene's would've reacted to something like this if it had happened in India !! :D :))


In the zone
this is total nonsense...teenage pregnancies suck...i think the teenagers who decide to keep the kids are a bunch of total losers...screw this "Juno" **** going on everywhere...they shoudl learn to start behaving responsibly....


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
There is an update:
Two more boys have claimed that they may be the father of the child because they too did 'it' with the girl around that time.

Media experts assume that atleast 15 TV channels want to cover their stories and that the stories may be worth about half-a-million pounds.


^ lol.... wonder how many guys did the girl did "IT" with :D

Team effort ?? :lol: // i know it doesn't happen in reality .. but then ;)


HAHA my sympathies for the poor fella ....the first buck that boy will make in his life wud go towards child support......but seriously WTF was the gal and more importantly her parents thinking wen she decided to have the baby
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