customizing right click properties in windows XP

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1 : i have one exe "sample.exe" in my PC
2: i signed this file using the tool "signcode.exe"
3: after that if we right click on "sample.exe" and select the "properties" we will get one more additional tab "Digital signature" there we can see all the details about the certificate which used for signing
here my doubt is after signing the file , how one extra tab "Digital signature" comes in the property.. is this a windows behaviour.......? like windows will automatically detects whether the file is signed or not....?
is it possible for me to customize the property tab for any file........?

Ok i will come to my application scenario.........
1: Am creating an API for signing a file , but my API will be different than "signcode.exe"
2: i will pass the file name as input along with hasing algorithm
3:then i will hash the contents of the file with SHA1 or SHA256 then i will sign the message digest with my private key
then i will store the digest , input file , and signature in a ZIP format..
4: what is my intention is if user right click on the ZIP file he should able to get a tab in the properties "Digital signature" and it should contain all the details.....
but here problem is that the ZIP file that we are doing right click is not signed but the zip file contains signed information of the file......

So is there any way to change the right click behaviour of a file [like adding a new tab ].. or any other solutions..........

thanks in advance
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