Geekbench scores (Averaged on two trials at each setting)
benchmark number - CPU speed , Ram Speed - Single core score - multi core score - memory score - Comments
1. CPU Stock, Ram 2133Mhz - 3900 17950 4143 - Baseline.
2. CPU Stock, Ram 2933Mhz - 4171 18827 4880 - ~5% gain in single core and multi core performance over baseline with RAM running at higher speed.
3. CPU 3.7Ghz Ram 2933Mhz - 4271 20050 4946 - ~2.4% gain in single core performance over benchmark 2, 6.5% gain in multi core performance over benchmark 2.
4. CPU 3.8Ghz Ram 2944Mhz - 4400 20600 4943 - ~5.5% gain in single core performance over benchmark 2 ,9.5% gain in multi core performance over stock benchmark 2
5. CPU 3.7Ghz Ram 3200Mhz - 4310 20250 5170 - ~10.5% gain in single core performance over baseline. ~13% gain in multi core performance over baseline. 1% gain over benchmark 3 with slight bump in ram speed.
Ram running at 16-18-18-38 timings. Rated for 1.35V volts but had to adjust voltage to 1.39 to get stable 3200Mhz. Ram compatibility is still wonky with the motherboard and hopefully bios updates from gigabyte fix the issues.
There is ~6% increase in performance with Ram running at 3200Mhz compared to 2133Mhz. Another 6% increase in performance with CPU frequency OC to 3.8Ghz.
I am running at the system at benchmark 5 settings as I found it as sweet spot for performance, temperatures and voltages required. I was able to push the CPU to 3.9Ghz and probably would be able to 4Ghz if I'm lucky and push the voltages but didn't. No silicon lottery on the CPU but not a bad chip either.
Most interesting part for me is CSGO performance
At benchmark 1 settings CSGO: 210 Average fps
At benchmark 5 settins : 350-400 Average fps.
There were couple of game updates between the tests and a BIOS update which upgraded the firmware etc. So not sure what made the drastic difference in performance.
Hope the information is useful.