Creating a Batch File to Automate Broadband clients

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I would like to know if its possible to create a batch file to automate logging in process for my BB connection which uses a client (Reliance) to connect to the internet ..... i mean logging in right after startup

i want to know how to
create a batch file to

-> execute the client at startup
->automatically activate the login button so that the client connects to the internet using the save psswrd and username


I'm not sure about reliance but you should be able to use rasdial in a batch file to automate the login. Unless you absolutely need to use the reliance client to connect, you should be able to create your own dialer and use rasdial with it.

For XP:

> Control Panel
> Network and Internet Connections
> Network Connections
> left hand side under Network Tasks > Create a New Connection

Batch file would be something like
TITLE whatever
start /MIN rasdial "CONNECTION NAME" username password

  1. Quotes " " are necessary.
  2. Capitalize the connection name, in the batch file and in Network Connections because sometimes it doesn't connect if the name is not capitalized.

Then use task scheduler to schedule this batch file to run at startup or drag a shortcut to the batch file into the startup folder in Start Menu > All Programs > Startup.
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